I can tell some of you either have not read about this case or have no real understanding how the web works. The scary thing about the internet, the web in particular, is that you are literally giving partial control of your computer away each time you visit a web site. Browser bugs and exploits usually carry the headlines, but people have no idea how vulnerable you are to old pre-internet laws.
While I have not read the linked article, I have read other articles on the ruling and I can tell you that the reasoning behind the judge's ruling is sound. Because the images were found in the browser's cached area, you cannot treat that as possession as defined by the law. Now I would turn in my best friend or a family member if I found them to possess child porn. I have zero tolerance for it. But the the way the web is designed literally puts you at risk every time you visit a site.
For example, let's say I find out you work at Apple. If you visit this site, I can easily flood your browser cache with a ton of anti-Apple images without you ever knowing it. I could then inform Apple IT department that someone from your work IP address is spamming my site with anti-Apple and hateful Steve Jobs images and we need them to put a stop to it. They would scan the computer and find a ton of images named like "ding_dong_steve_jobs_is_dead.png" and likely fire you over it.
Another thing I could do is to flood your work computer with porn images linked from some of the well known porn sites on the internet. Again, I can make sure you never see them yourself so you have no idea and even if you delete your browser cache, if your IT department tracks bandwidth and/or web site usage, your IP address will show up as visiting those well known porn sites thousands of times even though you never typed in their URL or clicked on a link to their site. Most internet users have no idea that off-linking a single image from another site uses the exact same connection method as actually visiting that site directly. Next thing you know your boss is calling you into their office to chew you out or fire you.