NFL Draft--Disinformation: fact or fiction


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I'm attaching a link to amusing draft article from the Florida Times Union about all of the disinformation that goes on given this internet age.

Some of the snippets:

General hype:
"You would be amazed," Smith said at the Jaguars' pre-draft luncheon, sitting between Jaguars coach Jack Del Rio and Director of Player Personnel Terry McDonough. "We will go to a workout and the guy might run a 4.6 and you see in the media that he ran a 4.3. You will find out the guy's a medical risk going into the draft because he has bad knees, and he doesn't have bad knees. Maybe, he has bad something else, maybe bad elbows."

Regarding Mallett and the Carolina meeting:
"There have been a number of things published, a number of things that he has said, and he hasn't tried to hide anything," Smith said of Mallett. "So I think for people that have interest you have to do your work and you have to make a decision."

Regarding draft day War Room:
"We feel like we have some that work well for us, but you hear different things," Smith said. "You hear there's a war room. Well, you would like to think you're making rational decisions before draft day and not irrational ones when you're on the clock. You just stay with the system that you have in place and to hear some of the stories at times, it amazes me."


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I laugh at the nervous nellies around here who think a 20 year old wont be able to retain an extra 20-25 pounds as he fills out and spends time in NFL weight room.


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I thought the Mallett trivia was interesting. I had assumed that he really did miss that meeting with the Panthers.