NFL fines Owens $10,000 for towel-waving celebration


Dem Boyz
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Once again, Terrell Owens' touchdown celebrations cost him.
The star Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens was fined $10,000 for violating league uniform and equipment rules by the NFL, The Dallas Morning News reported on Thursday.

The newspaper said that Owens was penalized for waving a personalized towel during Dallas' 38-17 win over Philadelphia on Sunday, a move that was picked up by television cameras.

It was the second time this season he's been fined for violating league rules after a touchdown.
Earlier this season, Owens was fined $7,500 for a celebration that included using the goal post and football to poke fun at the New England Patriots' spying scandal during Dallas' 37-20 victory over Miami this past Sunday.

The newspaper quoted the Cowboys wide receiver as saying the league has squeezed much of the fun out of the game for him and many others.

"It's stuff like that," Owens told the Morning News. "People try to make a big deal out of it. It's not any different than Chad [Johnson] going to the sidelines and taking [out] a coat. All I had was a little towel, and now they want to make that into a big deal."

Last week, Johnson was fined $5,000 for wearing "Ocho Cinco" on a Velco nameplate across the back of his uniform. "Ocho Cinco," signifying his uniform No. 85, is the name by which Johnson said he wanted to be called the day leading up to the game.

Owens is coming off his best game in his two seasons with Dallas, a 10-catch, 174-yard performance Sunday night at Philadelphia, his former team that nearly two years to the date had banished him before eventually releasing him.

The Cowboys play Sunday at the New York Giants, a rematch of the season opener in which Owens had three catches for 87 yards and two TDs in a 45-35 victory.
At the midpoint of the season, Owens has 44 catches for 730 yards and six touchdowns.


New Member
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this is complete bull****. it has got to the stage that they will just fine T.O. for the sake of it. they will fine him next for getting dirt on his jersey, he isn't allowed to dirty an NFL uniform :enough:


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gazmc_06;1753255 said:
this is complete bull****. it has got to the stage that they will just fine T.O. for the sake of it. they will fine him next for getting dirt on his jersey, he isn't allowed to dirty an NFL uniform :enough:

OTOH-Andy Reid gets a pass for CONDONING LaJuan's potentially career-ending cheap shot on Julius Jones.:bang2:


New Member
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I don't even know what to say about that, that hit was clearly out of frustration and a good few seconds after the play was dead but Reid get's away with saying it was fine? so it's fine to play dirty and attempt to end a players career but you can't wave a towel...ok.


New Member
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***?! The guy that speared Witten helmet to helmet didn't even get fined, but TO does for holding up a towel on the sidelines? What about the Steelers when they hold up that stupid Yellow towel of theirs? They never get fined. This is the most ridiculous miscarriage of "justice" I've seen in the NFL. Just plain stupid.


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Daudr;1753274 said:
***?! The guy that speared Witten helmet to helmet didn't even get fined, but TO does for holding up a towel on the sidelines? What about the Steelers when they hold up that stupid Yellow towel of theirs? They never get fined. This is the most ridiculous miscarriage of "justice" I've seen in the NFL. Just plain stupid.
Amen!!!!!! I'm surprised they didn't fine him for getting the touchdown too!!!


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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Daudr;1753274 said:
***?! The guy that speared Witten helmet to helmet didn't even get fined, but TO does for holding up a towel on the sidelines? What about the Steelers when they hold up that stupid Yellow towel of theirs? They never get fined. This is the most ridiculous miscarriage of "justice" I've seen in the NFL. Just plain stupid.

I won't argue the witten hit. I thought that warranted a fine.

But the TO towel, I have no problem with him getting fined. It is not an NFL product, and he sells those towels on his website. You can't have players waving around things during the game that they get a cut on. Next thing you know Peyton is going to throw a touchdown pass, then run around holding a direct tv satelite dish waving it to the crowd.

C'mon fellas, you have to see that you can't let each player go into a game with their own marketing agenda. The league is very clear on this, and always has been. Remember the fine McMahon got with the bears for wearing the addidas headband. You can't do it, and everyone knows it.

That being said, I'm sure TO sold enough towels after that game to more than offset the fine.


New Member
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it's a T.O. towel though, it's not a rival brand...T.O. is not a brand, Adidas, Nike, Puma and the rest are. if he was waving an Adidas flag around in the endzone then fine but s small T.O. (non-brand) towel on the side-line? not even in the endzone. that doesn't deserve a fine IMO.

the NFL don't sell Terrell Owens Touchdown towels...until they do then he is not taking away their business or competing with them in any way, shape or form.


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BoysRule2;1753256 said:
OTOH-Andy Reid gets a pass for CONDONING LaJuan's potentially career-ending cheap shot on Julius Jones.:bang2:

Can you imagine what would be said if TO's house was said to be a drug emporium? This is such pilling on man.


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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gazmc_06;1753515 said:
it's a T.O. towel though, it's not a rival brand...T.O. is not a brand, Adidas, Nike, Puma and the rest are. if he was waving an Adidas flag around in the endzone then fine but s small T.O. (non-brand) towel on the side-line? not even in the endzone. that doesn't deserve a fine IMO.

the NFL don't sell Terrell Owens Touchdown towels...until they do then he is not taking away their business or competing with them in any way, shape or form.

But the intent was to use the NFL's broadcast for your own monetary benefit. Thats just not going to fly in this league.

If this was a towel that TO made, but didn't sell, I don't think the league would get too upset over it. But you can't let guys promote items that aren't league issued.

What If Tom Brady had a business where he sold, oh hell I don't know....recliners on his website? And after each touchdown, he came back to the bench and sat in his recliner. You think that would fly from the league? Are you telling me that would be ok cause the league doesn't sell recliners on their own?

No self promoting of products in the NFL during the NFL's time.

You want to leave practice and go sell shoes, tv's, cars, diapers, bullwhips, whatever. Feel free to do it, but not during gametime. The league is very clear on this topic


New Member
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was he really doing it for promotion though? it's a touchdown towel...he waves it after a TD. people already knew about them, he had waved them in other games, he isn't holding them up and saying "buy these towels at" - he is just waving them as you would expect him to do with a touchdown towel after a touchdown.

I see where you're coming from though, they are very firm with this stuff but he didn't put it on the camera to advertise it...he was waving it at Philly fans not the camera.


Official CZ Ea-girls hater
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the nfl has become so ridiculous when it comes to this stuff.

it's called FUN....look into it!

the nfl couldn't have fun at a strip club with a 1000 dollars in ones.



The Sarcastic One
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Frickin' ridiculous....the NFL allows video games, where if you watch their commercials, they are all about the BIG hit....the taunting, the celebrations, yet when it happens ON the field it's supposed to be different.

So two-faced is the NFL front office that it isn't even funny.

Think about it for a minute......some people watch the games because of the characters of some of these people....I don't care much about Ocho "oucho" Cinco, but I'll watch some of his games to see what he does. If he were just a WR that caught TD's and then went and sat down, more than likely, I wouldn't watch him to see what he does after he scores a TD.

Players like Ocho Cinco and T.O. are examples of what has kept the NFL at the top of it's game.

Think about Steroids for a minute....let's just say for the sake of arguement that steroids played a role in the McGuire/Sosa HR hitting back about 5-6 years ago...steroids then, would have actually helped SAVE the frickin' game.

Stupid NFL/MLB for it's double standards....they let a hit go on a player that isn't a big name, yet when it happens to a "star" in the league, they make a rule against it. Want an example? I'll give you the Horse-Collar Rule....if it weren't T.O. that broke his ankle, there STILL wouldn't be a rule against it. How do I know that? Because it's happened before. It has NOTHING to do with has to do with protecting the big name players....nothing more. Big name players are what makes this league. Imagine this league if every player was just a robot, which is essentially what the NFL is wanting everybody to believe that they want. They wouldn't have NEARLY the following that it has now.

There are rare exceptions such as Barry Sanders who people watched just to see him run. But even Emmitt Smith had to have a rule made against him....the Removing Of The Helmet Rule.

Now, we have the stupid Spiking The Ball where T.O. got flagged for when he didn't even Spike the ball. How about that Chiefs player taking the flag? Was it Holmes? Didn't even get flagged for it. If that was T.O. what would have happened?


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Please, you knew this was going to happen, the league fined Urlacher for wearing a Vitaminwater hat, the precedent has been set. Its silly, but its the rules and you either abide by them or open the wallet.