
He Made the Difference
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August 29, 2004 -- The Post's Steve Serby sat down with two-time Super Bowl champion and Fox NFL analyst Jimmy Johnson.

Q: You've said you would start Eli Manning in the [Giants'] opener.

A: With the poise I've seen, he can handle it. For the future of the Giants, do it now so it'll give him time to prepare for Philadelphia. Kurt Warner needs to be a relief pitcher. But for the future of the Giants, Manning needs every step he can get.

Q: Would you have made the deal [with the Chargers] for Manning?

A: No. They gave up a lot. But as well as he's looked in preseason, maybe they're right.

Q: If Chad Pennington goes down, can Quincy Carter take the Jets to the playoffs?

A: No. Chad Pennington is a special player. The touch he has and the smarts. Probably one of the least-appreciated players in the league.

Q: You're not high on Quincy Carter.

A: He has to improve his accuracy.

Q: What about the Jets?

A: Hard to figure. They depend on one player (Pennington) as much as anybody.

Q: How long will it take Tom Coughlin to turn around the Giants?

A: They'll be improved from day one. He'll have a disciplined team. He's a good fit.

Q: Will Coughlin's style grate on some veterans?

A: Without question.

Q: Is that good?

A: Probably. The ones that have something will adjust. The ones you don't want on your team, won't.

Q: The biggest adjustment for Joe Gibbs.

A: The grind (laugh). Football-wise, Joe can handle it. But he hasn't been under this kind of grind in awhile.

Q: Do you miss coaching?

A: I miss the thrill of winning a big game on Sunday. But I don't miss the grind.

Q: Patriots picking up Corey Dillon?

A: Large. You got the Super Bowl champion needing a running back. They got one of the best.

Q: Can Terrell Owens get Philly over the hump?

A: If they can shore up the run defense. He's gonna give 'em some headaches and some cheers. Because of the difficulty of that division [NFC East] their record may not be as good this year. Cowboys about the same, Washington getting coached for the first time, and the Giants not playing give-up. A tough division.

Q: Who got the better of the Clinton Portis-Champ Bailey [Commanders-Broncos] trade?

A: Washington, because of Gibbs' offense.

Q: Kellen Winslow II [Browns]?

A: Gonna be a great player and a headache.

Q: [Bill] Parcells once said winning the Super Bowl is better than sex.

A: At my age, winning the Super Bowl's much better. When I was a youngster, I mighta had to think about it.

Q: Ron Dayne?

A: I don't get excited. He looks like a big back trying to run like a little back, without the quickness.

Q: If you were NFL commissioner, what one change would you make?

A: Try to restrict signing bonuses. It hurts when the players have a bunch of money in the bank and they're not working from week to week.

Q: Donald Trump's hair?

A: I'm not one to give advice on hair (smile).

Q: Belichick and his son visited you in the Keys over the offseason. What kind of fisherman is he?

A: He enjoyed it, although we didn't have a great day fishing.

Q: Did he talk about staying on top?

A: We talked about not spreading himself too thin, dealing in contracts, as well as being on top of the offense and defense.

Q: If fishing were an Olympic sport, would you be a favorite for the gold?

A: Overall fishing, bronze. Backwater fishing, I wouldn't get a medal. Freshwater fishing, maybe a silver.

Q: You went to high school with Janis Joplin.

A: "Beat Weeds." She didn't care much for me and the jocks. Beat was like beatnik, she wore the black leotards. We'd say, "Hey, Beat Weed," and she'd give us hell.

Q: Since you were on CNBC talking about the rewards credit card program, what is your favorite stock?

A: FedEx. I made some money on it. I'm sick I didn't hold it longer.

Q: Current favorites?

A: Citigroup. It pays a good dividend.

Q: Who would play you in the movie about your life?

A: Mel Gibson (smile). Who would you want, John Candy? (laugh).

Q: I don't think he's alive.

A: Then there probably won't be a movie about me (laugh).

Q: One person in history you'd like to meet.

A: Jesus. He's got all the answers.

Q: If you had to pick the brain of one football person ...

A: Lombardi. Because of how important fundamentals were to him and how well he communicated.

Q: Non-football coaches you admire.

A: Pat Riley; discipline and work ethic. Joe Torre; dealing with a volatile owner.

Q: Favorite athlete outside of football.

A: Muhammad Ali.

Q: If you had to start a franchise, what player would you pick?

A: A younger Brett Favre or a healthy Michael Vick.

Q: Best advice your mother or father gave you?

A: Work hard and tell the truth.

Q: Favorite movie?

A: "Silence of the Lambs."

Q: Favorite actor?

A: Jack Nicholson.

Q: Favorite actress?

A: Julia Roberts.

Q: Favorite singer?

A: Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey.

Q: Favorite book?

A: "The Perfect Storm."

Q: Favorite meal?

A: I have A LOT of favorite meals (laugh), as you can tell. Anything Tex-Mex. But it's gotta be spicy.
