On the TO/Werder War of Wards:


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I'm glad that finally a player on the team (TO) has identified the fact that the national media targets the Cowboys and their star players in particular- and has a definitive agenda to sabotage the Cowboys' season each year. It's almost corporate policy at BSPN to hype and then swipe at the Cowboys.

The media wields alot of power and its easy for us as fans to say "well the players are bigger than that or they need to ignore it and play football", but the agenda becomes a doctrine that the players continually answer the same tired questions over and over- it has to be mentally tiring.

For example, I live in Baltimore and never has a team been more universally loved by the local media. It is a beacon of light for one and all and regardless of what players are involved in altercations resulting in murders, or drug dealing running backs are arrested and released, or CB's are drunk drivers... it's almost ignored. And you don't have the Werder types buzzing around Owings Mills trying to find out if say Fabian Washington was late for a meeting cuz he was hammered the night before at a downtown club.

Basically it's a team Chock Full O' Thugs with a few nice guys the local media circles around as ambassadors of goodwill and park at local bars to sign autographs or do radio shows, with nary a question of character thrown at them.

Agreed that it is part of being a Dallas Cowboy- the "big room" as Parcells called it... but credit our guys for being almost better than expected this season. When they could have packed it in under pressure we are now at least in the MIDDLE of a good fight to the finish with no signs of backing down now at all.

Let's just finish this thing- get to the playoffs- and close some mouths for good. In any event, I'm all for TO doing what he has to do with the media and any other Cowboy that chooses to follow suit I won't hold it against either.


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I want the rest of our team to take either a total silence stance, or TO stance as far as most media goes. Especially in the case of ESPN, which I have always felt has an east coast bias in sports.


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You can take that example and apply it to just about any team and any subject (Political or otherwise)...Media can spin anything into a 'story'


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mmohican29;2452203 said:
I'm glad that finally a player on the team (TO) has identified the fact that the national media targets the Cowboys and their star players in particular- and has a definitive agenda to sabotage the Cowboys' season each year. It's almost corporate policy at BSPN to hype and then swipe at the Cowboys.

The media wields alot of power and its easy for us as fans to say "well the players are bigger than that or they need to ignore it and play football", but the agenda becomes a doctrine that the players continually answer the same tired questions over and over- it has to be mentally tiring.

For example, I live in Baltimore and never has a team been more universally loved by the local media. It is a beacon of light for one and all and regardless of what players are involved in altercations resulting in murders, or drug dealing running backs are arrested and released, or CB's are drunk drivers... it's almost ignored. And you don't have the Werder types buzzing around Owings Mills trying to find out if say Fabian Washington was late for a meeting cuz he was hammered the night before at a downtown club.

Basically it's a team Chock Full O' Thugs with a few nice guys the local media circles around as ambassadors of goodwill and park at local bars to sign autographs or do radio shows, with nary a question of character thrown at them.

Agreed that it is part of being a Dallas Cowboy- the "big room" as Parcells called it... but credit our guys for being almost better than expected this season. When they could have packed it in under pressure we are now at least in the MIDDLE of a good fight to the finish with no signs of backing down now at all.

Let's just finish this thing- get to the playoffs- and close some mouths for good. In any event, I'm all for TO doing what he has to do with the media and any other Cowboy that chooses to follow suit I won't hold it against either.

I live around B-More and they are loved because they reflect the attitude of the people that live in the city. It is absolutely pathetic that the media in B-More are raven's front office apologists, they praise the ravens for doing something but blasts other teams if they do the same thing.


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I still find it funny and I laughed again when he cut Werder off during his postgame press conference on Thursday. Good for TO. Keep it up. No one cares what Werder thinks anyway.


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mmohican29;2452203 said:
I'm glad that finally a player on the team (TO) has identified the fact that the national media targets the Cowboys and their star players in particular- and has a definitive agenda to sabotage the Cowboys' season each year. It's almost corporate policy at BSPN to hype and then swipe at the Cowboys.

The media wields alot of power and its easy for us as fans to say "well the players are bigger than that or they need to ignore it and play football", but the agenda becomes a doctrine that the players continually answer the same tired questions over and over- it has to be mentally tiring.

For example, I live in Baltimore and never has a team been more universally loved by the local media. It is a beacon of light for one and all and regardless of what players are involved in altercations resulting in murders, or drug dealing running backs are arrested and released, or CB's are drunk drivers... it's almost ignored. And you don't have the Werder types buzzing around Owings Mills trying to find out if say Fabian Washington was late for a meeting cuz he was hammered the night before at a downtown club.

Basically it's a team Chock Full O' Thugs with a few nice guys the local media circles around as ambassadors of goodwill and park at local bars to sign autographs or do radio shows, with nary a question of character thrown at them.

Agreed that it is part of being a Dallas Cowboy- the "big room" as Parcells called it... but credit our guys for being almost better than expected this season. When they could have packed it in under pressure we are now at least in the MIDDLE of a good fight to the finish with no signs of backing down now at all.

Let's just finish this thing- get to the playoffs- and close some mouths for good. In any event, I'm all for TO doing what he has to do with the media and any other Cowboy that chooses to follow suit I won't hold it against either.



Last of the Duke Street Kings
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Yes, it's not like any member of the Cowboys have ever gone out of their way to draw attention to themselves.

Falls under the 'careful what you wish for' category.


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RoadRunner;2452287 said:
I want the rest of our team to take either a total silence stance, or TO stance as far as most media goes. Especially in the case of ESPN, which I have always felt has an east coast bias in sports.
But it's okay for Owens or any other NFL player (for which there is a very, VERY short list on this topic) to address the media as long as it's via totally unnecessary, one-on-one, specially televised interviews, right?


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DallasEast;2453211 said:
But it's okay for Owens or any other NFL player (for which there is a very, VERY short list on this topic) to address the media as long as it's via totally unnecessary, one-on-one, specially televised interviews, right?

Nah, just keep the tabloid crap out of it is all I ask. I think that is perfectly reasonable whereas year number 3 of "TO is ready to blow up" nonsense is completely tiresome, and not good journalism at this point.


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RoadRunner;2453289 said:
Nah, just keep the tabloid crap out of it is all I ask. I think that is perfectly reasonable whereas year number 3 of "TO is ready to blow up" nonsense is completely tiresome, and not good journalism at this point.
One thing about present day American broadcast journalism...

It's either going to create crap on its own OR it's going to create crap with help. Volunteering to do totally unnecessary one-on-one interviews, knowing full well that it will not benefit your team whatsoever, helps create crap. Tabloid crap, yes, but still crap.

My question is, "Why do it"?


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BraveHeartFan;2452720 said:
I still find it funny and I laughed again when he cut Werder off during his postgame press conference on Thursday. Good for TO. Keep it up. No one cares what Werder thinks anyway.

Dag, I missed it. Any video?


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DallasEast;2453309 said:
One thing about present day American broadcast journalism...

It's either going to create crap on its own OR it's going to create crap with help. Volunteering to do totally unnecessary one-on-one interviews, knowing full well that it will not benefit your team whatsoever, helps create crap. Tabloid crap, yes, but still crap.

My question is, "Why do it"?

Some players just can't help themselves. They know that the same media that makes them stars also makes them villians.

It's a two-edged sword. T.O. loves it when it shines favorably on him. He hates it when it shows his warts or shines on areas he doesn't like.

Sorry, but T.O. created this situation himself. He has only himself to blame - right or wrong.


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tyke1doe;2453496 said:
Some players just can't help themselves. They know that the same media that makes them stars also makes them villians.

It's a two-edged sword. T.O. loves it when it shines favorably on him. He hates it when it shows his warts or shines on areas he doesn't like.

Sorry, but T.O. created this situation himself. He has only himself to blame - right or wrong.

That's why I don't don't get the owens defenders. There is no clause in his contract that says he has to talk to the press. At least I have never heard of such.

He controls every thing that happens to him. It's that simple.


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tyke1doe;2453496 said:
Some players just can't help themselves. They know that the same media that makes them stars also makes them villians.

It's a two-edged sword. T.O. loves it when it shines favorably on him. He hates it when it shows his warts or shines on areas he doesn't like.

Sorry, but T.O. created this situation himself. He has only himself to blame - right or wrong.
What is it that the young folks type?

Oh yeah.

Quoted For Truth.


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Dave_in-NC;2453547 said:
That's why I don't don't get the owens defenders. There is no clause in his contract that says he has to talk to the press. At least I have never heard of such.

He controls every thing that happens to him. It's that simple.
I'm not certain whether it's a rule or not, but the league frowns on its players not speaking with the media. Totally unnecessary media soundbites, interviews, etc. have very little to do with contractual agreements or team/league rules and everything to do with having voluntarily or involuntarily running one's mouth off.


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Dave_in-NC;2453547 said:
That's why I don't don't get the owens defenders. There is no clause in his contract that says he has to talk to the press. At least I have never heard of such.

He controls every thing that happens to him. It's that simple.

As we saw in 2006 and 2007, if he boycotts the media, they just make things up about him behind the scenes from "anonymous sources."


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JordanTaber;2453687 said:
As we saw in 2006 and 2007, if he boycotts the media, they just make things up about him behind the scenes from "anonymous sources."

At least we know it's garbage then. Face it, he's just not very bright in regards to the press.


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Dave_in-NC;2453692 said:
At least we know it's garbage then. Face it, he's just not very bright in regards to the press.

BS. The majority of Americans (morons) believe basically every word the media reports.

Need I remind you how it was a generally accepted as a "fact" that Owens and Parcells hated each other, despite nothing in the media about it other than numerous "leaks from behind the scenes?"
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FCBarca;2452538 said:
You can take that example and apply it to just about any team and any subject (Political or otherwise)...Media can spin anything into a 'story'


he puts actual knowledge in to things and does not sway week to week like the other "experts"

(i.e. The Jets are now the team to beat in the AFC)...remember that mantra last week...ask Denver?