While we're on the subject of cancer, in early January a friend of mine from so cal called me a told me his girl friend had developed a ping pong ball size tumor in her breast and wondered if garlic could help. I told him about two ideas I had, in addition to eating garlic to help build up her immune system. They put my ideas into practice and when she went back to her dr. for a followup six weeks later, her tumor had shrunk by 95%. Her dr. was amazed. I wasn't as I had expected it.
I don't know whether her tumor was malignant or not nor do I know whether it went away on its own and the treatments had no effect or what but I guess I'll find out if others decide to try the treatments. It didn't cost them anything because he used garlic he grew himself and I don't charge any money because I'm not a doctor. It's my way of trying to give back to the world for allowing me to live unmolested in peace and freedom out in the middle of nowhere. Life is good.
The treatments are what I call enlightened folk and herbal medicine based on understanding the chemical/physiological issues involved. I'm still learning as much as my hectic schedule permits. I have to work for a living. Even if I were a doctor I would not be permitted to use these techniques because they involve unconventional applications of common garlic, which is not approved for medical use by the FDA due to the strong influence by big pharma's concern for their profits. Garlic is nature's underground pharmacy but you have to know how to use it; there's a lot more to it than just eating it.
If anyone is interested in it I will be happy to discuss the techniques but I don't wish to bore people who have no interest in it as most people abhor the smell of garlic no matter how effective it is. Creative usage of garlic can cure MRSA, MDR-TB, IBS, prevent heart attacks and strokes since it won't let blood clots form and apparently, inhibit or kill tumors, but it still has that odor during and for a while after use. People have told me they would rather die than smell like garlic and I think some of them got their wish. It's their choice, I'm not going to force myself or my ideas on anyone.
Common grocery store garlic from China has been irradiated and it won't work because it doesn't form allicin when crushed, only natural non-irradiated garlic works.
Sorry for the long post.
One of these days, I gotta write a book but it would probably be banned.