Opinion time: What should the game plan be?


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Seeing as the NYG have not seemed to lose a step in their pass rush, what do you guys feel the game plan should be?

In my opinion, I think Dallas should run a lot of delay draws and middle screen passes. The NYG pass rush from the edges is very good even without Strahan and Osi. If we can keep those edge rushers honest by running some delay draws and middle screens it might give Brad some time in the later stages of the game to hit some slants and crosses.

With that being said, I by no means think that Brad is incapable of making these throws without setting them up first. I just think it'll give him an extra 1-2 seconds to make a better decision if Dallas keeps the DE's guessing.

If the Giants start adjusting to that, Dallas could then run a lot of screen passes to the flat or even sweeps out wide if the pressure starts coming from the inside. Its a chess match, but I think if Dallas pounds the ball 30-35 times they have a shot of sneaking out of NY with a W. Thoughts/comments?


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The same gameplan that enabled Quincy Carter and Troy Hambrick to be competitive and a playoff QB/RB combo.....CONSERVATIVE.

1. Run the ball with MBIII and Choice even if it fails initially keep pounding the ball while the OL wears down the lighter Giants DL/LB's.

2. Win the time of possession battle.

3. Win the field position battle.

4. Win the turnover battle.

5. Have the same intensity and execution on defense that took place in the Bucs game. Make Eli and the Giants earn every yard they get. No big plays allowed!!!

6. Take a few deep shots here and there to keep them honest.


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My recommendation to Jason Garrett...on pass plays, remove the outlet receiver...like no half back in the flat or tight-end is at least 10 yards downfield. Force Brad Johnson to make an effort to go vertically...no more of this sideline-to-sideline BS for 3-4 yards. :D

Statistically, if you counted the amount of yards receiving Marion Barbar had from sideline to sideline, I'd guess he'd have 100+ yards. :laugh1:


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go right at manning increasing the blitz load big time. move demarcus around on every single snap put him on the line ect ect. make burress beat us play heavy man to man on the outside..

on o really sucks its gonna be a hard day i have no clue there brad isnt able to be a backup on anyteam or play at this level any longer

if we are blessed by the lord enough for brooks to play. then move williams and owens around constantly there is always going to be a match up to exploit no one on their secondary no matter how talented can stay with both of them the entire game and i believe motion of many players is the way the game is evolving but thats another topic. get the screen game with barber going early let bennet use his size constantly.. basicaly throw whatever you can at them, thats our only hope really


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David276;2381271 said:
go right at manning increasing the blitz load big time. move demarcus around on every single snap put him on the line ect ect. make burress beat us play heavy man to man on the outside..

on o really sucks its gonna be a hard day i have no clue there brad isnt able to be a backup on anyteam or play at this level any longer

I really truly believe that Eric "Oil Tycoon" Umanzor is the answer at backup QB for years to come


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Here's my offensive game plan and rational why:

Bollinger does stink, absolutely. But he is a better match up QB wise for this 1 specific game. Remember, 1 game. His ability to get a pass out beyond 15 yards and on the WR's stride 50% of the time at least gives him the opportunity to utilize the playbook.

No he is not going to be able to just run away from being sacked but the Giants have to attack from different angles now that they know he can move outside of the pocket. Not to mention if he does have to move around to buy himself an extra half a second to get a pass off he can. It's all about buying half a second back there my friend and getting that ball located onto different parts of the field. Johnson physically can do neither.

Now against the Bucs who completely predicate their game on being the better executed team and capitalizing on their opponents errors the Brad Johnson matchup works aslong as we can play Defense against a very conservative offense. Every teams is looking for turnovers and wants to make the least mistakes possible, dont'g get me wrong, but the Bucs do not take it to teams defensively or offensively an impose their will on you to win a game, the Giants do.

We need a more proactive approach from the QB position as error free as possible for this game. Currently with Brad back there the Giants know what we are about offensively and we are less than 1 dimensional back there. We can't throw or run with the QB and in turn can't run the ball with Barber.

With Brooks:

- We need to prove we can throw the ball and then prove we can throw it past coverage.

- We should throw the ball right away, they will be lining up 8 in the box right off the bat to force us to prove we can throw. I want 3 wide sets with 1 TE, yup to spread that defense out. Loosen them up. Quick outs at first to the Wide outs. I say go hurry up like the Pats, right off the bat. Take it to em. They won't expect it

- Once we complete some passes go right back to 2 TE sets, Curtis only stays into block, donot pass to him, too fumble prone. We continue to throw and we take shots deep with jump balls to T.O and RW to keep them honest. We start running out of this set now because they have to stay honest, they don't we keep throwing, audible if we have to. Make it known we're prepared to throw th ball and that we don't have to be forced.

- Once we get some runing game going from loosening up the box keep gashing themwith it. They come up in the box we can now play action.

- As soon as we get a first down run for 5 yards or more the next play should be a trick play. Put Crayton on the reverse and have him go deep and up just in case his accuracy isn't dead on our WR's can outjump the man covering them.

We need at least 21 points and that's with our defense playing stellar and not having to be on the field all game. We cannot let NY bruise us up with Brandon Jacobs, we have to get to him before his wheels start, we need penetration from our front 3. We need something special to happen for us on ST's. With this plan against the G-Men only Brooks can make it possible. We are not able to win if we don't gamble and win gambles in this game. We need to play like we're 0 -15 and this is the last game of the season. Take it to them, not let them take it to us. We win this and we're 6-3 with the load of the roster coming back. We get that bye and we go into Washington with them not knowing squat about us and us knowing everything about them.


The Duke
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I would attack Eli Manning like he stole something we want back. Try and pressure him into mistakes. Hit him, hit him again, and keep on hitting him as often as it is legal. I would jam the WRs at the LOS. Hard. When tackling I would have guys swatting at the ball trying to pry it loose. If we can't win this game I want Manning to hit the deck at least 15 times. I want him to be running for his life with fear in his eyes and a scream in his lungs.


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First offensive snap of the game throw a deep ball downfield . Second offensive snap of the game run a HB option play and let Barber chunk it down field . Let the Giants know you didn't show up to dink and dunk and play conservative .

Then...play conservative . WR and RB screens to get Brad in a rhythm . Pound MBIII and get Choice 8-10 carries . Choice was a good receiver out of the backfield at Georgia Tech and I'd have at least 1 screen designed for him . Run some designed drag routes with TO and Williams and a couple of quick outs to Bennett .

Then...after the Giants are lulled into the conservative mind set , open up the bag of tricks . Flea-flicker , HB pass , end around , reverse , surprise on side kick , fake punt , and a fake FG . I'd also try some 4th down trickery . Go for it on a 4th and 1 at midfield and bring in your heavy set with two TEs . Have Bennett go deep on a fly , and let Brad put it up .

Last , play smart . No stupid penalties , no stupid turovers , and win the time of possession . Brad , you may get sacked 10 times in this game , but hang on to the ball and live to punt again . Flo , your going to get beat for a sack , but don't get beat and then get penalized . Defense , for God's sake if you get them in a 3rd and 15 , DO NOT let them convert !

This game can be won , and this season can be changed .


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Hostile;2381304 said:
I would attack Eli Manning like he stole something we want back. Try and pressure him into mistakes. Hit him, hit him again, and keep on hitting him as often as it is legal. I would jam the WRs at the LOS. Hard. When tackling I would have guys swatting at the ball trying to pry it loose. If we can't win this game I want Manning to hit the deck at least 15 times. I want him to be running for his life with fear in his eyes and a scream in his lungs.

I'd take Hostiles approach on defense couple with my offense. I do want to add something defensively though and that is in coverage.

Definitely play tight on the WR's and challenge them before the ball gets there but we also need to jump some route's with the pressure we need to create.

I hear Henry might play and that's great, I just want him playing FS and not being isolated against Plax, especially while he is hobbled. We all knowhow that goes. I say we switch Hamlin over to SS, Henry to FS, have Jenkins protected over top with Henry and either Ball or Scandrick protected over top by Hamlin.


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catskillthunder;2381163 said:
Seeing as the NYG have not seemed to lose a step in their pass rush, what do you guys feel the game plan should be?

In my opinion, I think Dallas should run a lot of delay draws and middle screen passes. The NYG pass rush from the edges is very good even without Strahan and Osi. If we can keep those edge rushers honest by running some delay draws and middle screens it might give Brad some time in the later stages of the game to hit some slants and crosses.

With that being said, I by no means think that Brad is incapable of making these throws without setting them up first. I just think it'll give him an extra 1-2 seconds to make a better decision if Dallas keeps the DE's guessing.

If the Giants start adjusting to that, Dallas could then run a lot of screen passes to the flat or even sweeps out wide if the pressure starts coming from the inside. Its a chess match, but I think if Dallas pounds the ball 30-35 times they have a shot of sneaking out of NY with a W. Thoughts/comments?

I think for Dallas to have a real chance we have to use a ball control offense and keep the score low. I don't think getting into a high scoring game without Romo goes in our favor.


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JIMMYBUFFETT;2381308 said:
First offensive snap of the game throw a deep ball downfield . Second offensive snap of the game run a HB option play and let Barber chunk it down field . Let the Giants know you didn't show up to dink and dunk and play conservative .

Then...play conservative . WR and RB screens to get Brad in a rhythm . Pound MBIII and get Choice 8-10 carries . Choice was a good receiver out of the backfield at Georgia Tech and I'd have at least 1 screen designed for him . Run some designed drag routes with TO and Williams and a couple of quick outs to Bennett .

Then...after the Giants are lulled into the conservative mind set , open up the bag of tricks . Flea-flicker , HB pass , end around , reverse , surprise on side kick , fake punt , and a fake FG . I'd also try some 4th down trickery . Go for it on a 4th and 1 at midfield and bring in your heavy set with two TEs . Have Bennett go deep on a fly , and let Brad put it up .

Last , play smart . No stupid penalties , no stupid turovers , and win the time of possession . Brad , you may get sacked 10 times in this game , but hang on to the ball and live to punt again . Flo , your going to get beat for a sack , but don't get beat and then get penalized . Defense , for God's sake if you get them in a 3rd and 15 , DO NOT let them convert !

This game can be won , and this season can be changed .

If we have to play with Brad then this is absolutely the blue print. But we know that, the coaching staff knows that and the Giants know that. The questions is, who get to practice with the first team tomorrow? Brooks or Brad? Phillips certainly wouldn't indicate.


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Like HOS said, "if we can't win this game", I want to take a big piece out of this team and derail them for the long haul. We should take the nothing to lose approach here which isn't the case and is the total opposite offensively to the Tampa Bay game.

I would love for us to bang up a couple of their lineman on both sides of the ball and just take Brandon Jacobs out for weeks. Border line dirty this game. Just abusive nasty on both sides. We need to bang them up at the very least if we can't win. Not sure Wade has it in him to approach it this way though. If you watch his PC he does look like a guy that wants to knock someone out though, which is a huge change. Wade seems to have a chip on his shoulder this week, you know that coach in the playoffs look, instead of focusing pulling off last week. This is a changed Wade and for the better.


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agreeing with hostile and expounding on what i said yes hit manning hit him like he hasnt been hit , to the point where we should come out of this game with atleast two roughing the passer penalty's and not really be suprised about it although we wont want to see them and will yell when it happens manning should be scared by the 4th

sadly the nfl doenst have a bcs like system and being in a tough division sucks . we have to play playoff like football from here on out and that means going all out and throwing the book at every team not holding back with simple game plans hoping we "execute" ,motion every play ,witten in the slot barber in the slot, to in the back field anything and everything stop this conservative BS we've seen this first half of the season.


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Parcells style football.

Smash mouth, ball control oriented, and physical.


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i agree with the smash mouth part of some peoples opinions but i r ead this somewhere a little while go and fully agree.

id much rather go down swinging with bollenger than just kind of accepting the defeat and trying to "Execute" with johnson


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NextGenBoys;2381372 said:
Parcells style football.

Smash mouth, ball control oriented, and physical.

Exactly, you don't go to a gun fight when you only have a knife. Right now our gun slinger is down and getting into high scoring games is not something this offense is going to do with the key man out of the game. People may not like conservative ball controlled offense but that at least gives you a chance to win.


Vet Min Plus
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Start Brooks Bollinger for all the obvious reasons not to mention they have no current film on him. Gives us the element of surprise and a fighting chance.

Line up in 2-3 TE sets to give us some time/protection back there while TO and RW terrify the secondary with there mere presence.

Run more screens and draws. Get Barber 15-20 touches and Choice at least 10. Eventually we will break a fitty yarder to tha house.

Get Wade to look at the special teams situation cause ain't nuttin spechel there.

Punch Sheli in the mouf, all day...


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NextGenBoys;2381372 said:
Parcells style football.

Smash mouth, ball control oriented, and physical.
Agreed, but both the players and coaches have to adopt that mindset to make it happen.

In the passing game, I want to see more shorter routes (especially crossing routes involving Owens and Williams) to take advantage of Johnson's strength since throwing deep is a weakness. Throw underneath to help produce short yardage situations on 2nd and 3rd down to increase 1st down conversion opportunities.

Run the ball with Barber up the gut and pound away at the interior of that defense. It will pay off in dividends during the fourth quarter.

On defense, blitz, blitz and blitz so more. Sure, we have rookies at the corners, but play more man and take those chances. Manning's accuracy lowers when the heats on. Let's improve upon the Buccaneers' defensive gameplan and turn up the flame on Eli.

Let's not forget special teams. We must tackle better and return punts and kicks beyond the 30-yard line to create shorter fields for Brad Johnson to work with.


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Hostile;2381304 said:
I would attack Eli Manning like he stole something we want back.

Could not agree more. This will be the key. I think with the right amount of pressure we get two picks and that might be all we need to win, as long as Brad and Barber hold on to the ball.