OT: Photos of D-Day

genghiskhan said:
Uhhh, ya know, given this is in the Cowboys forum, I assumed they were Cowboys pictures. They are not.

Just a warning for anyone else misled by this thread.

"OT" means off topic, Genghiskhan. It was clearly labled OT and D-Day pictures. I apologize if it ticked you off.
LeonDixson said:
"OT" means off topic, Genghiskhan. It was clearly labled OT and D-Day pictures. I apologize if it ticked you off.

I missed the "OT". Reading quickly, I read it as saying "photos of the day" as in, CAMP PHOTOS. Given the amount of photos floating around from camp yesterday, surely you can understand the mistake.

But why post them in this forum if you already know it's off topic? That's what the other forums are for. Honestly, I am interested in Cowboys info when I come here. I have this crazy assumption that when I'm in the Cowboys forum, I'm going to find Cowboys topics.

But whatever. You didn't tick me off. I just wanted to warn anyone else who might have thought they were something other than they were.
genghiskhan said:
Uhhh, ya know, given this is in the Cowboys forum, I assumed they were Cowboys pictures. They are not.

Just a warning for anyone else misled by this thread.
He labeled it OT. Today is June 6th. I don't see how a "warning" is applicable. A history lesson perhaps, but not a warning....
My dad was there, Leon, in the first wave at Omaha Beach.

116th regiment (army infantry), the only reg of the 29th division at Omaha.

He didn't talk about it much or often, but when he did, we listened spellbound.

I appreciate your posting that, Leon. I have his WWII dogtags, his Sgt's stripes, his medals, and many of his photos, and those of the war stories he chose to share with his kids.

It really was "the Greatest Generation."
Thanks for the post. Our ability to belly-ache about them not being Cowboys pictures are all the more reason they should be honored. Without their sacrifice, we'd be talking about sissy european football or some sheep shearing contest.
Ben_n_austin said:
does anyone know what site EZ and Boozeman post at?

www (dot) dallas cowboys central (dot) com where the dots are "." obviously and there are no spaces between the words. Are you suggesting that d-day reminded you of them? ;)

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