Sounds like you may have a staph infection; they're painful like that.
Crushed raw non-irradiated garlic kills staph on contact and staph cannot become immune to it. If you crush it and let it set 15 minutes or more and place it on the boil, it will burn like fire for a minute but then the boil will go away over the next couple of days.
A less painful way is to crush a clove of garlic and let it set for 60 to 90 minutes in air and then put it in pint of water and every part of the water becomes antibiotic and you can soak a wash cloth in it and place it on the boil and keep it wet for a while. The garlic water does not burn like the undiluted garlic but takes longer and maybe more treatments to work.
No, I'm not a doctor but I know a little about the health benefits of garlic and how to use it in different ways to kill all harmful bacteria like strep, e. coli, staph, including MRSA and none of them can become immune to garlic.
You just have to be sure to get non-irradiated garlic because irradiated garlic is dead and has no health benefits because the enzyme that triggers the process is killed by the radiation.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to tell natural garlic like you get from your locally grown farmers market and the irradiated garlic from China that is in many supermarkets. Remove a clove from a bulb and cut it vertically down the middle and lay open the two halves. If you see a small pale growth shoot in the center or some tiny baby leaves then it is a good garlic with health benefits. If; however, there is no growth shoot or baby leaves but only an empty spot in the center that may even be tinged with brown, then that garlic has been irradiated and has no health benefits.
I regularly post on a MRSA patient support forum and if you are interested in looking into it, please PM me and I'll give you a link.
Good luck to you.