This is all very good advice, Stryker. My mom passed away almost two years ago after dealing with Alzheimer's/Dementia for almost 8 years.
As others have said, the caregivers are the ones that get hurt the most through this. My Dad cared for her for just over 4 years, but it became too taxing. He couldn't sleep because he was worried she would get up in the middle of the night and leave the house. I had to install baby locks on doorknobs. I moved next door to help my Dad care for her. It came to a point where we had to move her to an ALF.
It's not cheap. If you can't get help from Medicaid or the VA, plan on liquidating assets. Since the care needed for what your Mom has (Alzheimer's/Dementia) is considered custodial and not medically necessary, Medicare will not cover long-term ALF expenses. You or I or any of the members here could go get "training" for how to care for these patients without the prerequisite need of a medical degree or certification.
Not trying to ask about your mom's present financial state, but if she makes over a certain dollar amount per month, she won't qualify for Medicaid. To get around this, hire a elder care attorney to create a Qualified Income Trust that you can use at your bank. Any amount over the allowed monthly income should be deposited into the QIT. The money from the QIT is to be used for meds, doctor's visits, etc. This loophole allows you not to be penalized and to be covered by Medicaid. Make sure you apply for Long Term Care (LTC) in Medicaid. Do not apply for Medically Needy unless you plan to not move her to an ALF.
Also, get your power of attorney's in order, both the medical and the financial power of attorney's. Your elder care attorney can help with this too.
It really is one of the worst things we all can experience...seeing your loved on turn into a shell of their former self.
If you'd like to get more detail on what I've mentioned, feel free to PM me. Happy to help out. I know what you're about to go through. It's not easy, but try to get ahead of it as soon as you can.