PC Builders: Power on then off?!?! Help


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So I'm installing a new PSU and Video card in my step dads HP computer because the video card is pretty bottom of the line. I take out the psu and replace it and then swap out the video card. I made sure to plug everything back in.

So....now when I power it on, the monitor comes on, display a quick bit of info on the card (shows right info) and then shuts off. Then just tries again and again. It may get slightly farther than it did before but not very far.

Anyone seen this issue of it just turning off before it shows the bio info?
kmp77;3738996 said:
So I'm installing a new PSU and Video card in my step dads HP computer because the video card is pretty bottom of the line. I take out the psu and replace it and then swap out the video card. I made sure to plug everything back in.

So....now when I power it on, the monitor comes on, display a quick bit of info on the card (shows right info) and then shuts off. Then just tries again and again. It may get slightly farther than it did before but not very far.

Anyone seen this issue of it just turning off before it shows the bio info?
Everything plugged in and seated properly?
The most common reason for a sysstem that starts then freezes on a freshly built PC is a CPU overheating. You didn't touch the CPU/CPU fan right? (ie remove it or the fan etc) Usually there is a thermal paste between the fan and CPU to help conduct heat away from the CPU.

Second, would be the PSU isn't strong enough to handle powering up everything, but if it's a new PSU and you are using an older HP that probably isn't the cast. You have at least a 450W PSU?

Finally, does the new video card require multiple power? My Nvidia GTX460 requires two. If it does, makes sure both are plugged in and not just one. (if it doesn't only draw power off the MB)

Finally, it could be a faulty video card. (or even PSU) Plug the old video card back in with the new PSU and see if it boots up.
Obviously make sure the video card is seated properly. Is your dad's computer so old that its got a motherboard that doesn't have PCI Express bussing? Was his older video card AGP?

I would put the old video card back in and just have the PSU swapped in and see if it works that way to rule it out.
The new video card doesn't require power, besides the little pci power plug.

The new PSU is 550w I believe. More than enough power.

Everything is seated properly and I didn't touch the cpu etc.

I've built several computers so know what I'm doing mostly...just never had this problem before.

I'm going to try and do the reset bios battery trick and then try to swap out parts to see what the problem is. Man, HP cases suck.
Might be the bios trick. Might have to see if there is a bios update you can install as well. Even if it means using the old video card first to install it.
I've also had to completely remove old Vid card drivers before installing the new card. Doubt that is the problem but you never know.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3739439 said:
I've also had to completely remove old Vid card drivers before installing the new card. Doubt that is the problem but you never know.

I've had the drivers be a problem in the past and it won't hurt anything to try.
You may have covered this and I skipped it, but did you try booting the system up without the video card (just with the new psu)?
TheCount;3739476 said:
You may have covered this and I skipped it, but did you try booting the system up without the video card (just with the new psu)?

Haven't tried that. I'll add that to my list.
Update: Reset the bios and thought that worked but didn't. It boots when I only have the keyboard usb plugged in. When I plug in everything else, it turns of/off in a repeated cycle. So not sure if there's a short or the PSU can't handle the extra usb power.
What's the details of the PC and the Video card? What is the model of the HP computer, etc.
I hate dealing with proprietary computers. I build my own and any I purchase mainly Dells at work. When the Dell's warranty is up, they get kicked to the curb. The only thing I do is add memory to them. Other than that, I call the manufacturer if there is a problem.

I refuse to deal with that crap.
nyc;3739723 said:
I hate dealing with proprietary computers. I build my own and any I purchase mainly Dells at work. When the Dell's warranty is up, they get kicked to the curb. The only thing I do is add memory to them. Other than that, I call the manufacturer if there is a problem.

I refuse to deal with that crap.

Yup. I've built my personal computers for the last 10 years. Every 2-3 years I build a new one. A lot easier to modify/fix when you build them yourselves. I never have problems with the ones I build, only when you try and upgrade "name brand" computers.
Update: WTH?!!? I plugged all the USB devices back in except for the network cable...it works! It was when I'd plug in the cat-5 when the computer would shut off. Why would a network cable cause a computer to shut off?? Need to see if I have an extra cable laying around.
kmp77;3739737 said:
Update: WTH?!!? I plugged all the USB devices back in except for the network cable...it works! It was when I'd plug in the cat-5 when the computer would shut off. Why would a network cable cause a computer to shut off?? Need to see if I have an extra cable laying around.

Maybe your PSU can't handle all the power the PC is pulling. USB knocks it off, Ethernet knocks it off, etc.

Dude, just get a Dell. :muttley:

nyc;3739751 said:
Maybe your PSU can't handle all the power the PC is pulling. USB knocks it off, Ethernet knocks it off, etc.

Dude, just get a Dell. :muttley:


It's handling everything BUT the ethernet. That's what's been causing it not to boot the whole time. *scratches head*
kmp77;3739773 said:
It's handling everything BUT the ethernet. That's what's been causing it not to boot the whole time. *scratches head*

I'm guessing the ethernet is onboard rather than a card? If it's a card, re-seat it.
It was the PSU after all. Old PSU works with everything plugged in. I guess the new one needs to be RMA'd.


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