Video: PFT: Will Jerry Jones patience last with Dak negotiations?


1st Round Pick
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Reports are he was offered the richest contract in NFL history...

Around 4:30 Simms makes the point that i've been making about the owners stupidity and making every QB the next highest paid guy.

No QB should be paid more then Russell Wilson right now besides Mahomes.



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What a clown show. They don't have the details yet they can carry that discussion for 6 minutes and they need to coach Simms so he doesn't look like a purse snatcher being questioned by the police.


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Reports are he was offered the richest contract in NFL history...

Around 4:30 Simms makes the point that i've been making about the owners stupidity and making every QB the next highest paid guy.

No QB should be paid more then Russell Wilson right now besides Mahomes.

“Reports”, lol!

Lemme “anonymous sources?”



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What a clown show. They don't have the details yet they can carry that discussion for 6 minutes and they need to coach Simms so he doesn't look like a purse snatcher being questioned by the police.

Thanks, you just saved 6 minutes of my life. :D


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In a sport where the salary cap doesn't stay locked in place, it's stupid to suggest you have to use contracts signed in the past as benchmarks that you will refuse to go beyond.

When we re-signed Jason Witten with his first extension, we paid him more than Tony Gonzalez even though Gonzalez was the elite Gold Standard at the position and therefore, using this dumb logic, Tony should've been the benchmark no team should go beyond at the TE position purely on principle. So you're saying we should've let Jason Witten walk on principle rather than give him that deal in 2006.

God, our fanbase is the worst.

But of course that's not what you're saying we should've done with Witten. You were perfectly happy when we acknowledged that's not how markets or economics work. You were happy we didn't draw a ******* line in the sand. You were happy when we chose to pay Witten more than the previously accepted "best player at the position" in order to keep him from leaving.

When it's a player our fans personally like, they're happy to see them benefit from the system. When it's a player our fanbase personally dislikes, they suddenly want to blow up the system, including the concepts of capitalism and markets and all of it. All because they can't stomach a person like Dak not knowing his place.


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Dak shouldn't sign for anything less than 35 mil per.


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maybe if Tua fell to 17...but i dont think even that would cause him to lose patience.


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Cowboy fan since 1972 and my stance is this personally I would NOT apply the exclusive tag to Dak for 33 mil. First this off-season I'm signing a solid Backup QB with starter potential and it ain't Cooper Rush. I would apply the transition tag for 27 mil to Dak he either plays for 27 mil, sets out and I start my other QB and if he gets another offer than I let him go and take the other teams 2 first round picks one of which I will select another QB to eventually build around. I get sick of all these people acting like Dak is the end of the world for those that think this way rest assure hes not. I'm not saying Dak is not a good solid QB but there are others and there will be more in the future. I will be happy drafting another QB and possibly another DT with my two #1's. :)


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Ignorance of economics is a piss poor pitiful thing.

Every owner has a maximum expenditure he or she will pay a favored player. Whether or not the max is acceptable to anyone else is completely irrelevant to negotiations between the owner and favored player.

The owner will pay if the favored player agrees to an amount at or below his or her set max. Why? The owner decides their risk for failure is less with the player they already have versus a player that is not already on the roster.

The owner will not pay if the favored player will not accept his or her set max or less. Why? The owner (hopefully) has already made a financial forecast for expenditures to all other players. He or she has pre-decided they cannot pay more to the favored player without limiting their salary expenditures for other players according to their (and not anyone else's) financial forecast.

No contract negotiation is limited by someone else's predetermined evaluation of a player's talent. This false assumption is the first failure of every discussion of the subject.

Every contract negotiation is limited by the maximum amount an owner is willing to spend for the talent they (and only themselves) believe a favored player has. Dismissing the fact is the second failure of every discussion of the subject.

In regards to the video, Mike Florio is a very intelligent person in my opinion. I have little doubt he understands the economics driving Prescott or any other favored player's contract negotiation. Florio created a website for NFL discussion. was purchased by NBC less than a decade later. His combo website and television venture results in millions of clicks and video starts on a daily basis. I do not know Florio net worth but I am confident he has made himself quite wealthy talking about what he knows his audience wants to read or hear as opposed to not always discussing the actual particulars of a topic.

Phil Simms? I do not give that guy nearly as much credit. His comprehension of economics and contract negotiations may be small or nil.

"Player A cannot ever get paid more than Player B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cannot wait for this Prescott melodrama to end, regardless how it turns out. Common outsiders' observation of his contract negotiations has been and is quite literally insane.

Redball Express

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Reports are he was offered the richest contract in NFL history...

Around 4:30 Simms makes the point that i've been making about the owners stupidity and making every QB the next highest paid guy.

No QB should be paid more then Russell Wilson right now besides Mahomes.

Especially a QB who has only sniffed a SB in his wet dreams.

Dak is completely oversold.

He is another player in a long line like Joey Galloway and Roy William's and Terrell Owens..

who Jerrah wants to save his team.

Why do we constantly have to deal with this stuff.

Other teams play to win.

Our team plays to prove Jerrah right.

No no no.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
In a sport where the salary cap doesn't stay locked in place, it's stupid to suggest you have to use contracts signed in the past as benchmarks that you will refuse to go beyond.

When we re-signed Jason Witten with his first extension, we paid him more than Tony Gonzalez even though Gonzalez was the elite Gold Standard at the position and therefore, using this dumb logic, Tony should've been the benchmark no team should go beyond at the TE position purely on principle. So you're saying we should've let Jason Witten walk on principle rather than give him that deal in 2006.

God, our fanbase is the worst.

But of course that's not what you're saying we should've done with Witten. You were perfectly happy when we acknowledged that's not how markets or economics work. You were happy we didn't draw a ******* line in the sand. You were happy when we chose to pay Witten more than the previously accepted "best player at the position" in order to keep him from leaving.

When it's a player our fans personally like, they're happy to see them benefit from the system. When it's a player our fanbase personally dislikes, they suddenly want to blow up the system, including the concepts of capitalism and markets and all of it. All because they can't stomach a person like Dak not knowing his place.

Yes, teams benchmark based on percent of cap.

They look at the projected cap over the years of the player's contract and then look at the player's average as a percent of the projected cap average.

For fans/media we can just look at the cap for the year the player was signed. Megatron's contract in 2012 would be 27M in 2020 based on percent of cap.

A 35M per contract in 2020 would be a lower percent of cap than when Russell Wilson signed for 35M per.

Mahomes is not signing in 2020, therefore he is not relevant to the discussion.