Playful toss brings young fan to tears Favre offers signed ball for startling boy


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Playful toss brings young fan to tears

Favre offers signed ball for startling boy

By Dylan B. Tomlinson

At about 8:45 a.m. Sunday, Trevor Glodowski was trying to get a better view of the Green Bay Packers’ training camp practice, just like hundreds of other fans along the fence at Clarke Hinkle Field.

Glodowski, a 7-year-old from Plover, climbed to the top of the fence to get a better look. At about the same time, Brett Favre and the rest of the Packers’ quarterbacks were stretching. When Favre got up, he picked up a football and tossed it into the fence — right where the boy was perched.

Favre didn’t appear to be throwing the ball to anybody in particular. While the ball never hit Glodowski, it scared the boy enough to reduce him tears.

After seeing what had happened, Favre ran to the fence to make sure Glodowski was OK. When he saw that the boy was crying, he picked up the ball and tossed it over the fence. Favre stood at the fence while fans scrambled to produce a Sharpie pen so he could autograph the ball.

“Brett ran over to make sure Trevor was all right,” said Colleen Glodowski, Trevor’s mother. “I think he was more startled than anything.”

Favre was unavailable for comment. But as Trevor sat in the bleachers, there was one thing that made him stand out. He was the one gripping a football autographed by Favre.

— Dylan Tomlinson writes for The Post-Crescent of Appleton.