*** Please do not post political, protest, etc. posts on this site! *** UPDATED! ***

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We know the NFL is considering new rules regarding player protests, but this topic quickly turns political and nasty no matter the original poster's intent. That is why this site has rules against political, protest, etc. comments and content being posted here.

For a few weeks last year we allowed political, protest, etc. discussions and comments on the site to allow all sides a chance to have their say on the matter. We temporarily suspended our rules that had been in place for over 10 years in an effort to be fair to all users who had opinions on the topics. After a few weeks had passed and everyone had their chance to share their opinions, debate, etc., CZ returned to its normal posting policies

To be clear, this site has no stance, for or against, on politics, protests, etc. As the site owner, I have always believed that all sides of a debate should have their say. However, politics, protests, etc. tend to bring out the worst elements in people, even good people, and that kind of animosity and nastiness is better left to the countless other sites on the internet that welcome those kinds of discussions.

So, to avoid having your account suspended, we ask that you please avoid making posts containing political, protest, etc. comments and content and that includes innuendo and indirect references as well!

Let's stay focused on football as the Dallas Cowboys have enough drama and emotionally charged topics to discuss and debate without the addition of even more of those kinds of topics!

Thank you!

Just a warning ..

If you reply to threads posted by someone else on these topics and make political, protest, etc. comments yourself, your account will be benched as well!
As we have said many times, CZ has no stance on the anthem protests and the subsequent actions, comments, etc. by the media, players, celebrities, corporations, etc. This policy is not about silencing either side, but instead is meant to keep the nastiness and polarization you see everywhere else on the internet from infecting this site.

There are plenty of sites on the internet that welcome highly controversial topics like politics, protests, etc. because they benefit from it monetarily. CZ could easily benefit from it as well in the same way, but instead we choose to give up that benefit in order to keep CZ a more enjoyable place to spend our time.

Going forward, given the recent political stance Nike has taken, this policy will now include Nike references that are in any way used as political commentary, stances, harassment, etc. It will also include comments by the Cowboys personnel and front office regarding their stances and opinions on the protests.

So let's keep CZ focused on what really matters .. homers and haters!! :D
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