Possible LB Coach


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Anymore news or rumors on who might be the new LB coach? I know awhile back was talk that Rivera might be the guy.


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Anymore news or rumors on who might be the new LB coach? I know awhile back was talk that Rivera might be the guy.
In their right mind would think Ron Rivera would take a position as a position coach there is no rumor about that at all those are fans making up stuff I mean there's no validity that people just talking but you can go to the Dallas Cowboys official website and see all the hires there's a lot of defensive staff that have been hired recently and more to come.. But if you're somehow hinging our success or failures on a linebacker coach or who are offensive line coaches I think that's ridiculous in my opinion what matters is how they're gonna be taught what scheme we're gonna be running because the full control comes from the head coach the offense and defensive coordinators doesn't matter who's under them helping them in my opinion that's just something fans think those dudes just relay things from the top and make sure it gets applied in practice or the training room or rehab and blah blah blah but the schemes and the play calling and all the final decisions are coming from the big three positions you..

I'd worry more about who our linebackers are gonna be that would be the important thing free agency and draft are not too far off that would be something you hope that we have some great talent there and it won't matter who's coaching.... Just so you know most positional coaches like that they help these guys work out rehab and understand the game plans but they're not making any kind of decisions and they're not doing as much teaching as you think...

I mean thinking Ron Rivera would be a linebacker coach is about as ridiculous as thinking Bill Belichick or Mike vrabel we're gonna be defensive coordinators....


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We already have a LBer coach........unless I am missing something

  • Scott McCurley, linebackers coach


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looks like 2 on the current staff are labeled Linebackers Coaches, maybe Zim will add more later, and updates needed as floyd and durde are gone and Greg Ellis is one of three assistants added to the staff, along with Paul Guenther, who is the team's run game coordinator. Also, Jeff Zgonina is the Cowboys' defensive line coach.

but it's all right there on their website.


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Is Guenther not coaching the LBs?
I'm sure it all overlaps somewhere but that's not who is dedicated to the linebackers there are two of them right there on the website but I'm sure they all have some kind of input on all aspects of the defense.. I'm not sure it's a big deal who's labeled what long Zimmer has enough staff put together to implement what his plan might be.. I'd be more concerned who our linebackers are gonna be I mean not exactly be able to make a prime rib dinner with hamburger meat.....


Chris in Arizona
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LB"s were so bad last year that we need someone to oversee the coach! lol
More of a personnel issue although McCurley has his share of criticism; he kind of bounced back and forth in Green Bay. Was fired in Green Bay then brought back in a lesser role a year later. Was out of the league for 2 years before McCarthy came to Dallas.


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My fault I figured with rumors of a new one that meant McCurley as gone even though I hadn't seen anything about that being the case.


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I wish Dallas would bring in Sean Lee as an assistant Lb coach, and let him work his way up. Great player could very well make a great coach . Could be future defensive coordinator.


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looks like 2 on the current staff are labeled Linebackers Coaches, maybe Zim will add more later, and updates needed as floyd and durde are gone and Greg Ellis is one of three assistants added to the staff, along with Paul Guenther, who is the team's run game coordinator. Also, Jeff Zgonina is the Cowboys' defensive line coach.

but it's all right there on their website.
Darian Thompson (the Cowboys former safety) is Scott McCurley's assistant.


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I wish Dallas would bring in Sean Lee as an assistant Lb coach, and let him work his way up. Great player could very well make a great coach . Could be future defensive coordinator.
And I wish before fans decided what a player might wanna do it might wanna check with Sean Lee first because it's not as easy as the Cowboys deciding to bring Sean Lee in the man may not wanna coach just like Tony Romo probably right at this point the money he's making his freedom he probably doesn't want to be a coach he might be a great offensive coordinator or quarterbacks coach but you see guys even like Peyton Manning who you think would be perfect for that does not wanna coach these coaches probably work 60 plus hours a week they basically sleep during the football season at the star...

As much Flack as you wanna give to a lot of our coaching staff these people work really hard for most of their lives not everybody is built to be a coach regardless of their knowledge..

So show me where's Sean Lee has ever said he wanted to be a coach then we can talk if not stop making suggestions that are probably never gonna happen if they already haven't happened.....