Potential last ever Glasgow derby in a few hours


Slanje Va
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The filth on the verge of going bankrupt, us already champions. Should be a fun atmosphere, wish I was going to the game but quite glad I'll not be in Glasgow tomorrow. Anyway any soccer fans might want to watch this as there is a real chance this could be the last one for at least a few years of what is arguably one of the worlds biggest rivalries.
For anyone who doesn't know you're supporting the guys in green and white as they're not under investigation for illegal payments, tax evasion and don't have a list of creditors ranging from a face painter at 90 quid to another football club at over a million without mentioning some of the dodgy ticket/tax scams - potentially 175 million pounds in total.
a wee video cos I've had a wee drink, even if you don't like soccer I think you'll appreciate the history and what it means to folk from this :)