News: Prescott rookie of the week, again

Outlaw Heroes

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I think that makes it 5 for him, now. And 4 for Zeke. So, 9 out of the 16 weeks it's been a Cowboy :)

Yeah, Wentz grabbed a few early in the year that probably should have also gone to Dak. Took a while for the world to realize that his play wasn't really measuring up to his arm talent. Everyone wanted him to be the next big thing so badly they were prepared to overblow his accomplishments at a time when Philly's D was essentially carrying the team.


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He was taking some big hits.

That "body slam"(even though the impact wasn't much) probably made Garrett feel a little eager to get the guy he is going to ride to Houston off the field as soon as possible.

Yeah, when I rewatched the game, I saw that he was getting some hard hits. Besides the 55-yarder, he wasn't getting much from Detroit, anyway.