Quinn must feel humiliated over the past 3 games at least; D and O role reversals


Junior College Transfer
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O, upon whose proud sword we fall upon, so hath Quinn, our second coming, our savior and defensive genius with HC pretensions.

His defence, In the past 3 games, rounded off for I.Q. impairments:

1,300 total yards surrendered
90 points scored by opponents.
What? Are we still 24th in the NFL in rushing yards surrendered?

Dak, a developing talent, can only do so much to keep up.
How long can Dak and Co. be forced to score 40 points to win?

And, last, whoda thought it tha our D would be sod and our O would be "golden."
Moore, you live to fight another day.
Quinn, you JAG coach, get to work and I don't mean your resume!