They had better win as many as they can now, because they've been playing the bottom barrel teams. That is going to change soon, and thus far they haven't faired so well against the better teams.
The Rangers have played 66% of their games against teams below the .500 mark. They are 34-11 (68% winning precentage) against teams below .500 and 12-18 (34% winning precentage) against teams above .500.
After the All-Star break; as always, the heat is going to start really wearing them down. Like all years, their play starts to fade a bit too compounding the fact that they are going to face a lot more good teams in the second half.
Guess who the Rangers play tomorrow. Yep, the Angels. They had better win this series and the series at home in mid/late July if they want a shot at winning the division. (I will be in town for a game with the Angels in July!)