Trolling: ***Read Now***

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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
Staff member
Reaction score
CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is a general announcement and warning thread.

If you start a thread about how you are not going to be a cowboy fan anymore it will get deleted. If you don't want to be a fan anymore than we wish you luck...but those threads will not stay.

We will understand being upset about the loss, about a player, about a coach, about a team or something else. However please keep the threads and posts within the guidelines. Personal attacks and name calling will not be tolerated and will wind up getting you benched.

Before starting a thread... Look to see if there is already an existing thread that relates to the topic you want to post about (like the fire Jason thread or the Dez thread or other topics). No need to start new threads on the same topics.
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