****Reminder of SIZE of sig images****


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
Staff member
Reaction score
CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Please be aware that there are size limitations on SigImages for this site.

Your sig image is not to be wider then 500
It is not to be taller then 350

And the total KB size shall not exceed 100KB

IF you are using a sig that exceeds those limits then please remove them or resize them.

These limitations also apply to multiple sig images....one sig might be under the limits and another sig might be under the limits, but if you use those two sigs and they combine to go over the limit....then one of them needs to be removed or they have to be resized.

There are many on here that are breaking the limits...we were trying to get that changed for a little time but then the draft stuff started coming up and we got occupied with other areas.

PLEASE fix those sig images or they will be removed without warning.
