Report: Mark Cuban selling a majority stake Mavs


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Just saw on NBC5 6 o’clock news! He will keep running operations
Read he is quitting the tv show he has been on as well
This same family is pushing legal gambling in Texas. Is this Miriam Adelson so confident that will happen that she is willIng to invest billions to purchase a portion of a team? What will she do if it doesn’t happen?
This same family is pushing legal gambling in Texas. Is this Miriam Adelson so confident that will happen that she is willIng to invest billions to purchase a portion of a team? What will she do if it doesn’t happen?
Unfortunately she would probably try to move the team to Vegas. And that would be the end of my Mavs fandom, Im a DALLAS Mavericks fan, not Vegas.
Unfortunately she would probably try to move the team to Vegas. And that would be the end of my Mavs fandom, Im a DALLAS Mavericks fan, not Vegas.
I cant see someone moving a team from the 5th largest media market to the 40th. Wouldn’t be a wise business move imo but someone did move a team from Seattle to OKC so idk.

Mine would end as well.
This same family is pushing legal gambling in Texas. Is this Miriam Adelson so confident that will happen that she is willIng to invest billions to purchase a portion of a team? What will she do if it doesn’t happen?
Fertitta bought the Rockets hoping the same. He has been pushing for casinos in Galveston for as long as I’ve known him since the early’90’s.
Cuban will keep shares of the team and full control of basketball operations
That's an important part.

He bought the Mav's for $285M and will make BILLIONS from this sale.
I cant see someone moving a team from the 5th largest media market to the 40th. Wouldn’t be a wise business move imo but someone did move a team from Seattle to OKC so idk.

Mine would end as well.
Of course we both hope you're right, but I think the allure of bringing a NBA team to Vegas, to complete the 4 Major sports coming to Vegas, would probably be quite a draw.

I think in the end though, when all is said and done, TX will vote to allow gambling. And the Mavs will wind up in Arlington with Cowboys & Rangers. The Stars could either follow suite as well, or take pride in becoming the only Dallas team to remain in City limits.
Don't blame him for cashing out.
Gets billions in cash and still controls the day to day operations. Not bad.

Doubt they move, but odd to pick Dallas as a hypothetical team to move over a smaller team. Unless her goal is to expand in Texas?
Cuban is like the Godfather, the real owner of the casino, not the "front" owner...
I can’t see any team leaving the DFW metroplex. Not only one of the largest metros in the world but like happened many times, if Dallas won’t meet your needs, there are several other cities in the metro to pick from. Vegas needs to get New Orleans, Clippers, maybe Brooklyn to name a few. All franchises with no hometown legacies, and in dying cities or large markets in decline already set with two teams. If I’m the NBA, I’m not allowing a team to leave Dallas, especially after all Cuban has done to establish them as a premier team.
I am not sure what part of no politics some of you dont get or refuse to follow.

#7 - You will not post political discussions, comments or content.
Anyone who doesn’t think the Adelson family bought this team to move it to Vegas doesn’t pay attention . Join the NHL NFL and MLB.

And the Mavericks & Stars wanted out of Reunion arena so the city helped get them the AAC built on a waste dump site on Stemmons freeway less then 25 yrs ago . Not a thing wrong with the AAC for hockey & basketball . Let billionaires build their own palaces I say so cities can collect the garbage pay cops and keep streets paved . Enough pandering to the Cubans Jones & Steinbrenners of the world .
Thank God ....... maybe i can start rooting for the Mavs also.

He is probably doing all this stuff because of the Epstein list of perverts that's fixing to come out.
Unfortunately she would probably try to move the team to Vegas. And that would be the end of my Mavs fandom, Im a DALLAS Mavericks fan, not Vegas.
The whole goal is to build a resort-like campus in Dallas. Staying in Dallas was part of the deal....and the attraction.
They'd like to have a casino too, but that is a side bar and not the main revenue stream.

It's why Cuban sold the majority interest to this group in particular. He knows them well and says they are the real estate development pros. That has become a big factor in the value of sports franchises.
Anyone who doesn’t think the Adelson family bought this team to move it to Vegas doesn’t pay attention . Join the NHL NFL and MLB.

And the Mavericks & Stars wanted out of Reunion arena so the city helped get them the AAC built on a waste dump site on Stemmons freeway less then 25 yrs ago . Not a thing wrong with the AAC for hockey & basketball . Let billionaires build their own palaces I say so cities can collect the garbage pay cops and keep streets paved . Enough pandering to the Cubans Jones & Steinbrenners of the world .

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