'Resentment' toward Rob Gronkowski


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I heard them talking about this on ESPN yesterday. It didn't surprise me when I found out that Ed Werder was the guy doing the reporting. He just seems to find these types of stories. Stories that I don't trust by the way. Werder just seems really squirrelly. These types of stories just don't happen. You have to be asking the wrong kinds of questions to get so called sources to admit to things like this. I can't stand when Werder is hanging around Valley Ranch because he is always looking to make trouble.


'Resentment' toward Rob Gronkowski
Tight end Rob Gronkowski's continued absence from the New England Patriots' lineup has escalated tension among teammates who have begun questioning him about why he's not playing and left some wondering if he intends to play at all this season, according to multiple sources.

"There's curiosity and resentment, and he's creating it by going out and kicking *** during the week and then he doesn't show up on game day and help the team win," one source said.

Gronkowski missed his sixth game Sunday because of multiple offseason surgeries on his fractured left forearm. He has not been cleared by third-party physician Dr. James Andrews, whose involvement suggests trust issues exist between the team and player over his medical condition and readiness to play.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He's playing this week and Shane Vereen is on his way back shortly. This Patriot team will be substantially better soon.


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How did Gronkowski get so good so fast?

Jets Pats game was the only game on in New York Metro Area so I was able to watch the game. Commentator said he has been practicing with Brady extensively for a few weeks now. Though he was a little bit rusty. Brady targeted him 18 times and he was able to catch less than half if I am not wrong. He dropped some sure passes. The one he dropped end of 4th quarter was practically the game at that moment.