Resizing in Photoshop


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How do you resize images in photoshop ? I would like someone to teach me if it isn't something too hard. I'd appreciate it, thanks.

I'm not sure about how to resize in photoshop, but if your asking in reguards to your web page that is posted in my thread, you might consider creating a page with thumb nails and keeping the images full size.

Just a suggestion. ;)

P.S. nice pics
David said:

I'm not sure about how to resize in photoshop, but if your asking in reguards to your web page that is posted in my thread, you might consider creating a page with thumb nails and keeping the images full size.

Just a suggestion. ;)

P.S. nice pics
cool thanks, also thanks for the tip, ill try and keep that in mind, I have to read your thread first. :D
Kangaroo said:
Take the pick and just select resize lol
He just hopped right in with answer, did'nt He!

What else you got in that pouch big K?
Kangaroo said:
Take the pick and just select resize lol
i changed the image size and i saved it but it saves regular size, not the shrunked version (resized) version.
RoyWillisill said:
How do you resize images in photoshop ? I would like someone to teach me if it isn't something too hard. I'd appreciate it, thanks.

It's pretty simple.....Image>Image size (and then type in the pixels "or inches" you want the new image to automatically resize to).<---Easiest method

Or if you prefer open a new window in photoshop. hit control-A on your original image and then hold your left mouse button and slide it over to the new blank window (hold "SHIFT" to center it). Once it's in the new window you can either crop it or hit control-T and drag the corners to fit it in the new window.<----that's if you're making it 100x100 pixels for example.

If you want it web-ready you would then save it as either a jpeg or GIF and when saving it move the slider on the window that pops up to adjust quality.....Move it down until it's around 50-72 dpi (it will show this in the bottom left portion of the window that pops up.

There's actually numerous ways, but I prefer these methods...Good luck!!!
I send the pic to my wife and tell her what size it needs to me *pointing to my new avatar* :D
RoyWillisill said:
i changed the image size and i saved it but it saves regular size, not the shrunked version (resized) version.

uhhhh... is that a word!!?? :p

now that i think about it though, it just became clear why reading the "Help" that comes w/ your PS program, never seemed to cross your mind as an option for your resizing problem!! ;)
DallasCowpoke said:
uhhhh... is that a word!!?? :p

now that i think about it though, it just became clear why reading the "Help" that comes w/ your PS program, never seemed to cross your mind as an option for your resizing problem!!

I wondered about that too when you were asking me a question about something before...but I am such a nice guy I did not bring it up, I just helped....ooops I just brought it up.

<evil twin taking over> :p
RoyWillisill said:
i changed the image size and i saved it but it saves regular size, not the shrunked version (resized) version.
Shrunked is that a word?


It comes from the Merriam Websters 9th collegiate beer drinkers dictionary.

v. shrankd, (shrngkd) or shrunk (shrngk) shrunk, or shrunk·end (shrngkn) shrink·ing, shrinks
v. intr.
To become constricted from heat, moisture, or cold beer.
To become reduced in amount or value; dwindle: His savings quickly shranked after drinking that case of beer.
To draw back instinctively, as from something alarming in the bottom of your tequilla bottle.
To show reluctance; hesitate: shrinked from making such a sacrifice. (NO! you can't have my last beer).
BrAinPaiNt said:
<evil twin taking over>

!!!:mad:!!! uhhh, welllll, you can ASSURE your evil twin, " Taking Over,".... (or WHATEVER his weird-azz name is)... next time i need an RPG code, he'll be the LAST one i trouble!!

DallasCowpoke said:
!!!:mad:!!! uhhh, welllll, you can ASSURE your evil twin, " Taking Over,".... (or WHATEVER his weird-azz name is)... next time i need an RPG code, he'll be the LAST one i trouble!!


Did you use the eye dropper tool...just curious...I find that it is the easiest way to match up colors.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Did you use the eye dropper tool...just curious...I find that it is the easiest way to match up colors.

yeaaaaa, i know, but i wasn't using PS, i was using fireworks and it won't let you "sample" outside the program's "window."

thks for the advice anywho, "E. T." :p
DallasCowpoke said:
yeaaaaa, i know, but i wasn't using PS, i was using fireworks and it won't let you "sample" outside the program's "window."

thks for the advice anywho, "E. T." :p

Have never used the fireworks it any good?

I acutally use Paint Shop Pro more then I do adobe.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Have never used the fireworks it any good?

I acutally use Paint Shop Pro more then I do adobe.

it's ok, i mainly use it because i use dreamweaver MX for my website and fireworks comes bundled w/ it along w/ freehand and flash.

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