Video: Rich Eisen on the Cowboys' Defense Stifling the Saints' Offense


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've always like Eisen. He's very well informed, fair minded, and doesn't take himself too seriously....Just look at that logo on the wall and the cup. That's hilarious!

I wonder if that logo has anything to do, or is a type of joke. That he always runs that 40 at the combine, and they joke about his time from year to year.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He's right. Garrett has taken a lot of unfair criticism.

If the Cowboys make the playoffs this season, then the anti-Garrett bunch should realize he ain't going anywhere until after next season at the earliest.

I give him criticism, or maybe it is just whining :laugh: but I also will give him props.
I already expect him to be back for 2019. And Dak.

Linehan and Moore though, I still hope are gone.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I wonder if that logo has anything to do, or is a type of joke. That he always runs that 40 at the combine, and they joke about his time from year to year.
That's exactly what it is. I don't know how many times he's done it, but he ran it in his suit at least once, which is what the logo depicts. :lmao2:


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lets start where he is , missing something. RIchard has made a HUGE impact on this team already. Lets stop ignoring that fact. Lets also stop realizing how bad the offense is. These are coaches who had Romo, Witten, Dez, Murray at one point, and still couldnt cross that hump. We re holding to players we know we re not going to use. We blew it on WR be committee, took a first to bail out that bad idea. We dont use our run game to its max.

Now, letts also give thanks to Columbo, Holy heck was i wrong about that, he has this line playing like there are no back ups on it. Looney stepped up like a boss, Silo is playing well. Heck, I think Lael is one of the weaker links lately. IS Lal making a difference? id like to say so.

Are we missing Witten? Are we seeing a lot of false starts lately?

The problem we are having with Garrett is that hes still not stream linging the team, and thats his job. Get rid of the players you dont use, fill that roster with players who can play. Manage the team, dont let it manage you, and again it seems players and coaches are having more success than he is. That offense has got to get on track and if it works, stick with it. I am afraid we ll go back to forcing it Dez, and we know i mean AMari and if its not there, DONT FORCE IT.

Garrett has a small window to put it together and here is another gift for him. Lets hope he doesnt squander it.


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Rich Eisen and Dan Patrick are the best Sportscenter duo of all time in my opinion (I love Stuart Scott and Chris Berman as well)
Boo yah and as cool as the other side of the pillow. Stuart changed ESPN and their approach. Back in the day, no one did it better than the ESPN crew. They set the standard but one they, themselves, have been unable to reach again. Berman, Eisen, Mayne, Scott, Patrick and even Mr. Trouble himself, Olberman, were as important as the sports they reported about.


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He's right. Garrett has taken a lot of unfair criticism.

If the Cowboys make the playoffs this season, then the anti-Garrett bunch should realize he ain't going anywhere until after next season at the earliest.

My big issue is that it goes this way every year. A Jason Garrett team rarely does worse than 8-8 and is almost always in the playoff discussion, usually not eliminated until week 17. They'll get some wins against teams you expected to destroy you.

Unfortunately, they'll usually lose that week 17 elimination game. They've yet to take the next step and go command the playoffs, only making it twice and winning once iirc. Also, for every game they overperform, it seems they'll underperform another, and he'll drop a clunker to some team they should easily handle.

So I guess I'm saying that this doesn't change much for me and I'm not totally surprised we're seeing a midseason revival. This is what I expect from Garrett - a team people aren't writing off, that has a close playoff race, but people also don't expect us make it past the divisional round.

I need to see postseason success before I'm convinced JG is actually good enough to be more than a "better than average in regular season" coach. I still think he's better than the average coach but worse than the type of coach that finds a way to win a playoff game.

That's just a recipe for mid-to-late first round picks and no championships.


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Is it just me or Rich Eisen look like Joe in Ballers?? http://www.***NOT-ALLOWED***/tv/thumb/persons/310594/310594_v9_ba.jpg


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Lol.. did you hear someone call Garrett the Clapper in the background? Lol

In all seriousness though, he deserves credit for a classic Cowboys victory.


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He's right. Garrett has taken a lot of unfair criticism.

If the Cowboys make the playoffs this season, then the anti-Garrett bunch should realize he ain't going anywhere until after next season at the earliest.

Honestly, I'm fine with Garrett as long as the OC and offensive system are changed.


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Defense and a running game travel... and win championships. You can't tell me if the Cowboys run the table that the Rams or Saints won't be fearing to play the Cowboys.
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He's right. Garrett has taken a lot of unfair criticism.

If the Cowboys make the playoffs this season, then the anti-Garrett bunch should realize he ain't going anywhere until after next season at the earliest.
Oh I am anti-Garrett. But I also realize he isn't going anywhere unfortunately. If they make the playoffs he likely gets an extension.


So given that, Linehan and that playbook has to go. They need 21st century thinking on offense in an effort to develop Dak. Dak has not progressed enough to take this team deep into the playoffs.

QB and coaching are what is limiting this team and needs to be addressed


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I can deal with Garrett, as long as Linehan goes. The play calling is horrid.


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He's right. Garrett has taken a lot of unfair criticism.

Offense scored 13. Garrett is the offensive guru.

Does anyone think that Garrett makes the defense go?

To the extent that Garrett shapes the players we take, he should get some credit. I don't know how much that is the case. Most accounts are that McClay is the main guy there.

The Saints game showed me nothing to think Garrett has overcome his game management woes.

And we ate a couple of timeouts on offense because we couldn't get the snap off on time. Not a well run team.