Right or Wrong?


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With all the great debates over who is the "right" pick or "wrong" pick coming up and the recent Elliott/Ramsey debates I thought back years ago to when I first joined this board and we were going back and fourth at each other over Terrance Newman or Terrell Suggs. I was all in on TNew but I think Suggs turned out to be the better player. Theyve both been excellent players for a long long time so not sure there was a right or wrong.

It also brings back the 89 draft where the top five picks included Troy Aikman, Deon Sanders, Barry Sanders and Derick Thomas who were obviously all the right pick!

My hopes is that with our first round pick we have a few great options that could all be the "right" pick and even tho it might not be my guy it doesnt have to make it a "wrong" pick.