Romo will be ready for the Skins game


Kane Ala
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First I don't have any inside information. I just thought some of you would like to have my opinion on whether or not Tony Romo will be ready to play for the Skins game.

My answer is an unequivocal yes. Within a reasonable degree of medical certainty, Tony Romo will start the Skins game.

If his intial injury truly was a fracture of the 5th metacarpal or the bone between the wrist and the pinkie finger as reported initially then it has had sufficient time to form enough bone around the injury and it be remodeled to near normal. That injury will not affect his strength to grip a football and IMO it will not be painful receiving snaps. There is little chance of reinjury there as well.

One can look at the hand here:

If his injury is really the pinkie which I highly doubt, it will have healed also. A fracture of the end of the first phalange of the pinkie would be nearer to tendons and tendon sheaths that allow the pinkie to flex and extend. I just don't think that would be a problem either.

And I do understand they have called this a pinkie fracture for some time. I could never get an answer from Spagnola or Archer whether it was the pinkie or the metacarpal. In fact Todd and I communicated some and we just had to agree to disagree as the trainers told him it was a pinkie fracture. The hand surgeon described the fracture very well after the injury and I believe that is correct esp looking at the braces he was wearing and the fact Romo was actually throwing the ball as well as considering playing.

Don't give up hope people. I truly believe this team will respond well after the break. The OL needs to protect him as it's obvious we aren't much without Romo.


1st Round Pick
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jobberone;2396152 said:
Don't give up hope people. I truly believe this team will respond well after the break. The OL needs to protect him as it's obvious we aren't much without Romo.

They have no other choice.

If they don't make the playoffs heads will roll.


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I hope you're absolutely right. I also hope the time off heals the walking wounded like Adams, Kosier, Davis and Witten. Having those guys back to 100% is just as important. We should be clicking on all eight cylinders by the time we take the field at Fed Ex.


Kane Ala
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silver;2396177 said:
I hope you're absolutely right. I also hope the time off heals the walking wounded like Adams, Kosier, Davis and Witten. Having those guys back to 100% is just as important. We should be clicking on all eight cylinders by the time we take the field at Fed Ex.

I have no idea what Adams' problem is with the swollen hand. After a stinger one problem that concerns me greatly is for him to be developing a reflex sympathic dystrophy or an unusual problem with the nervous system in that arm particularly at the end or the hand. I seriously doubt it but the thought did occur to me. It's probably something else like an infection or perhaps something broken in the hand. Whatever it is it is severely compromising his ability to use that arm. You cannot have a LT that can't use the left arm well. Then the question of why isn't someone else playing LT comes to mind. I wish we had some idea what was going on.

I hope you're right.


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I don't have any doubt that Romo will be back for the Skin's game. I also imagine Felix Jones, Kosier, and Newman will probably be back. However, the fact that they're going to play doesn't mean they will play like the did before their injuries. Guys that miss 3-6 weeks don't just normally jump back onto the field and play like they did before the injury. First off, they normally play to protect whatever was injuried in the first place, even if they're not aware of it. Secondly, they have to be a bit rusty and their timing will be off. Finally, their conditioning will not be as good as it was, especially for guys with leg injuries/foot injuries. They are also not use to being hit. Sure having these guys back will help, but the rest of the team has to realize they're not going to be 100% even when they do get back, at least not for a couple of games. So, everyone has to pick it up.

Gemini Dolly

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I have this feeling he will be ready to go. He better be or I might just cry. I can't take any more of this Brooks/Brad combo.


Kane Ala
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Star4Ever;2397441 said:
I don't have any doubt that Romo will be back for the Skin's game. I also imagine Felix Jones, Kosier, and Newman will probably be back. However, the fact that they're going to play doesn't mean they will play like the did before their injuries. Guys that miss 3-6 weeks don't just normally jump back onto the field and play like they did before the injury. First off, they normally play to protect whatever was injuried in the first place, even if they're not aware of it. Secondly, they have to be a bit rusty and their timing will be off. Finally, their conditioning will not be as good as it was, especially for guys with leg injuries/foot injuries. They are also not use to being hit. Sure having these guys back will help, but the rest of the team has to realize they're not going to be 100% even when they do get back, at least not for a couple of games. So, everyone has to pick it up.

I thought that Romo could be rusty. And I've said he may not be able to put it in those real tight spaces. But he's thrown so many passes he should have some 'memory'. He should be able to throw at the very least towards the end of the week next week. I'd expect the splint to come off next Monday or Tuesday at the latest and for him to get some time throwing to his new toy.


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CATCH17;2396159 said:
They have no other choice.

If they don't make the playoffs heads will roll.

unless jerry cuts off his own, it wont matter...


Active Member
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I dont think Romo hand was wrapped up during the game....

So I assume that in 2 weeks ....he will be ready to go.

Hopefully he spends time throwing with Roy Williams during this time off....