Roy Williams Coverage Skills


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Much has been made of RW's lack of coverage skills by the media and fans. While I agree that his skills and style of play is better suited for a SS and playing close to the line of scrimmage, I think this lack of coverage reputation is a little unfair. I don't know? Maybe I'm a homer?

Last year of course, the entire defense played poorly and the secondary was decimated with injury forcing Roy to play out of position. We all know that. What I want to know is where and when Roy was so badly exposed in coverage? I watch all the games and maybe I'm just not paying attention. Immediately the first Philly game comes to mind where T.O. made Roy look foolish from the slot although the corner got no bump on him whatsoever. Also, in that same game T.O. caught a short slant over the middle--- Roy had a bad angle from where he was in the secondary(he was not covering T.O.)-- couldn't get him and outran the rest of the D for a long score. I also remember a Shockey T.D. on a short fade in the first Giants game which can be really hard to defend for most corners.

My question is specifically where is Roy doing so terribly in coverage to the point where he's singled out? Is he that bad in coverage? I'd like to know your opinions..............


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Parcells himself has singled Roy out. He told Roy last year he needed to improve in coverage and, fair or not, he didn't demonstrate it. The bottom line is he's so disruptive at the LOS that it isn't worth the effort making him a better defender in coverage.


To The Moon
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I think it too often gets blown out of proportion. Roy had 8 picks as a rookie if I remember correctly. But he had an awesome SS right beside him to help mentor him. Roy is an instinctive player who is known for his monsterous, game changing hits. People overlook his all around ability.

I am one who believes Roy is good all the way around the spectrum. One man cannot do it all. He does need some help.


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I don't remember Parcells saying that but I'll take your word on it. Sounds like Parcells but my point is when watching the games...... I never really say to myself.. Gee.. Roy is sure getting torched out there save a mismatch vs. T.O.? I really think since Roy is the face of the D and he played out of position along with the fact that he's so dominant near the LOS.... He's getting an unfair rep!


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Anybody have any roy williams clips? They were right when they said the next ronnie lott.


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yeah, roy had 5 pics in his rookie season, 2 returned for tds, and has had 2 each of his last 2 seasons... in my opinion, his coverage skills were greatly improved at about the seattle game i believe... i think that's about the time he got his first interception, when the defense started to not care and played all out


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Fletch said:
I think it too often gets blown out of proportion. Roy had 8 picks as a rookie if I remember correctly. But he had an awesome SS right beside him to help mentor him. Roy is an instinctive player who is known for his monsterous, game changing hits. People overlook his all around ability.

I am one who believes Roy is good all the way around the spectrum. One man cannot do it all. He does need some help.

5 INTS I believe


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Fletch said:
Roy is an instinctive player who is known for his monsterous, game changing hits. People overlook his all around ability.

I am one who believes Roy is good all the way around the spectrum. One man cannot do it all. He does need some help.
I do think Roy is an instinctive player and he is a play making safety. Even today, there was supposed to be no contact or tackling, and he was lighting people up.
He told the reporters that he just couldn't stop and that he loves where he's playing in the defense now, he says that he loves getting after it.
As far as coverage is concerned, everyone get's burned but i'll tell you this. He will get you on the next play I guarantee you that. (That's what good players do)