San Antonio: Ferrari Owner's Car Show


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On Sunday, September 11 from 11am to 3pm there will be a Ferrari owner's car show at Aldino's At The Vineyard in San Antonio. It coincides with the Italian Gran Prix and sadly with the start of the NFL season.

Last year there were about 20-22 cars from the Austin and San Antonio owner's clubs and this year the coordinator (friend of mine) has RSVP's for 30-35 including some very unique collector models. He's hoping to get up to 40.

It's sponsored by UBS, Barrett Automotive, and I don't know who all else. I'll post the flyer here in a few days.

It should be a great opportunity to get see a large number of exotic vehicles all in one spot. The show is in the parking lot, and there will be limited shade. We're still coordinating to find a few models (intensely attractive female, not car) to have about as well.

So if you're not interested in the afternoon games, come on out.