Schwarzenegger wants 2 NFL teams in LA


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GRAPEVINE, Texas - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday he wants the NFL to return to the Los Angeles area — with two teams.
After meeting with a group of NFL owners, Schwarzenegger said he was there to make sure “we’re getting not only one NFL team to the Los Angeles area, Southern California, but to actually get two teams. That’s why I came. Why limit it?”

NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue and a committee of 11 owners met to hear proposals from Los Angeles and Anaheim. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle were there to make separate presentations but joined the governor for a joint session.
“There enough room and enough audience to have two teams,” Schwarzenegger said. “We just have to all work together and make it happen.”

Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest television market, has been without an NFL team since the Raiders and Rams both left after the 1994 season. When the NFL expanded in 2002, the new team went to Houston after Los Angeles leaders couldn’t agree on a suitable site for the team.
Tagliabue, who is retiring in July, has long made it a priority to get a franchise back in Los Angeles.

The owners’ committee, which includes Dan Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys and Bob Kraft of the New England Patriots, planned to hear stadium proposals from the Anaheim and Los Angeles officials. The cost estimates of $800 million are considerably higher than previous price tags.

Anaheim’s plan calls for a new facility near Angels Stadium, which was converted to a baseball-only complex after the Rams left. The NFL team and the Los Angeles Angels had shared the stadium.

The Los Angeles plan is to construct a stadium inside the existing Los Angeles Coliseum, home to the Rams from 1946-70 and the Raiders from 1982-94.
The NFL owners’ group won’t make any decisions on the proposals during their meeting at a Dallas-Fort Worth Airport hotel. Instead, the group will make a presentation at the league’s spring meetings in Denver, scheduled May 22-24.

After Schwarzenegger and the two mayors emerged from a 10-minute meeting with the owners, the governor chatted in the hallway with Jones, the Cowboys’ owner.

The governor returned to Los Angeles immediately afterward. The individual presentations by the cities were later in the day.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Doomsday101 said:
GRAPEVINE, Texas - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday he wants the NFL to return to the Los Angeles area — with two teams.
After meeting with a group of NFL owners, Schwarzenegger said he was there to make sure “we’re getting not only one NFL team to the Los Angeles area, Southern California, but to actually get two teams. That’s why I came. Why limit it?”

NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue and a committee of 11 owners met to hear proposals from Los Angeles and Anaheim. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle were there to make separate presentations but joined the governor for a joint session.
“There enough room and enough audience to have two teams,” Schwarzenegger said. “We just have to all work together and make it happen.”

Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest television market, has been without an NFL team since the Raiders and Rams both left after the 1994 season. When the NFL expanded in 2002, the new team went to Houston after Los Angeles leaders couldn’t agree on a suitable site for the team.
Tagliabue, who is retiring in July, has long made it a priority to get a franchise back in Los Angeles.

The owners’ committee, which includes Dan Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys and Bob Kraft of the New England Patriots, planned to hear stadium proposals from the Anaheim and Los Angeles officials. The cost estimates of $800 million are considerably higher than previous price tags.

Anaheim’s plan calls for a new facility near Angels Stadium, which was converted to a baseball-only complex after the Rams left. The NFL team and the Los Angeles Angels had shared the stadium.

The Los Angeles plan is to construct a stadium inside the existing Los Angeles Coliseum, home to the Rams from 1946-70 and the Raiders from 1982-94.
The NFL owners’ group won’t make any decisions on the proposals during their meeting at a Dallas-Fort Worth Airport hotel. Instead, the group will make a presentation at the league’s spring meetings in Denver, scheduled May 22-24.

After Schwarzenegger and the two mayors emerged from a 10-minute meeting with the owners, the governor chatted in the hallway with Jones, the Cowboys’ owner.

The governor returned to Los Angeles immediately afterward. The individual presentations by the cities were later in the day.
Nice Arnie. Your in the hole 30 billion. The FEDS ain't gonna pick up the tab. You're asking the taxpayers to do so. NOW let's ask 'em to build a new stadium in a city that could give a rats rump about yet another pro sport.
Citizens of can thank ENRON for your Governor and for the ensuing mess that will be left in his after math. GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!


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Awful idea. Of course, what do you expect from the worst gov. in state history?


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san antonio deserves a team before LA gets another stab at the nfl

Big Country

Rolling Thunder
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stealth said:
san antonio deserves a team before LA gets another stab at the nfl

First LA ought to take care of the 90,000 people living on the streets and the rash of gangs that keep getting worse. When the Raiders and Rams left town, LA didn't seem give a rats ***... Hell, give Lincoln, Nebraska an NFL team before sending a team back to LA.


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LA has not been a good supporter of Pro football since the 70's. that is why the Rams left. Why give a city a team when that city has not shown that it really wants one?


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burmafrd said:
LA has not been a good supporter of Pro football since the 70's. that is why the Rams left. Why give a city a team when that city has not shown that it really wants one?

Because it can make a lot of people a lot of money.