Searching and grasping for a teeny tiny modicum of hope

Reverend Conehead

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I know this is unlikely, but here's what I hope happens. The handwriting has been on the wall for decades that, as long as Jerry runs this team, a championship is unlikely. He's 81 years old, but I just could not be cruel-minded and morbid enough to hope for his death. I hope he has many more joyous years with his family. I don't believe he's an evil man. I just don't think he's the right person to lead this team. So here's the unlikely thing that I hope somehow happens.
Jerry has an epiphany and realizes that he's up there in age, and he wants to spend more time with his family with whatever time he has left. He's rich, and he loves his family, so he decides to hire the best GM he can find, and then he retires and takes some wonderful trips around the world with his family, and they have a great time together exploring fascinating places and enjoying life. Even if he simply turned it over to his son, Stephen, there's been evidence that he might have better judgement than his father. For example, it was Stephen who talked Jerry out of drafting Johnny Manziel and going for an O-lineman instead. Then whoever takes over for Jerry, whether it be Stephen or someone else does a great job hiring the best head coach possible and then supporting him rather than meddling.
I know, I know. Here come the replies that say this is unlikely to happen. I'm just grasping at straws trying to find some hope.


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Well, you've done something right. You've identified Jerry as the problem. This team being free of him will work itself out soon enough. Stephen will be the next owner/GM. That's what his daddy has groomed him to do. There will be no GM not named Jones. And don't think the problem ends there. Stephen has children who will someday inherit the team. The nepotism never ends.


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Jerry is a lost cause, his inflated ego does not permit him to retire. He will remain where he is until the day he expires. Stephen i have no hope for either, he has absorbed enough information and training from his Dad to think he knows what he's doing, and that's dangerous. He would continue with keeping all the power and attention with same results. My only hope was for Charlotte to take control and i feel she knows little enough to hire real professional managers and coaches to handle football duties with authority, of course she as owner would oversee. But the real decisions made by GM and HC. All she has to do is write the checks and count the money. And then watch her put up a few more banners on the rafters. A great example would be Denise, the daughter of the late Edward Debartolo who owned the niners, and she has 90% ownership of the team. Hired GM and HC and lets them do their job. No press conferences, radio shows, training camp pics looking like a coach.
Oh well, a guy can dream.

Reverend Conehead

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Jerry is a lost cause, his inflated ego does not permit him to retire. He will remain where he is until the day he expires. Stephen i have no hope for either, he has absorbed enough information and training from his Dad to think he knows what he's doing, and that's dangerous. He would continue with keeping all the power and attention with same results. My only hope was for Charlotte to take control and i feel she knows little enough to hire real professional managers and coaches to handle football duties with authority, of course she as owner would oversee. But the real decisions made by GM and HC. All she has to do is write the checks and count the money. And then watch her put up a few more banners on the rafters. A great example would be Denise, the daughter of the late Edward Debartolo who owned the niners, and she has 90% ownership of the team. Hired GM and HC and lets them do their job. No press conferences, radio shows, training camp pics looking like a coach.
Oh well, a guy can dream.
Yes, as much as I always want to beat the 49ers, I have great respect for that organization. They're the model that I wish the Cowboys would follow. It makes me sad because, back in the 70s, it was 49er fans who envied us. Back then Tex Schramm and Tom Landry were a superb team who kept the team relevant and in the playoffs almost every season for some 20 years. When Bill Walsh became the coach of the 49ers, a huge goal of his was to replicate the Cowboys' success, and it was a huge deal if they could beat the Cowboys. Then it made me sick in the 80s to see the 49ers overtake the Cowboys in success. What's frustrating is Jerry is an intelligent man, and an excellent business man, but he has blinders on as to what's holding his team back from success. It's him. He can't look at the 49ers and say, "I should do what they're doing." If he looked at it honestly, he would see that it would be best for the team for him to step down. He also can't seem to see the other advantages that I mentioned in my original post. There are so many, many families who struggle, and rarely get to go on vacations together, but Jerry certainly has the means to do that with his family. If I were in his shoes, I would be all excited to hire a GM and then to take my family all around the world. We could go on something like the Queen Mary 2 world cruise that literally goes all around the world to most continents, and it takes months. I would go exploring the world. But Jerry seems himself as dedicated, and believes what he's doing is a sacrifice to help the team. He just can't see how he's hurting it. I've just accepted that I've probably seen all the Cowboys Super Bowls that I'm going to see in my lifetime. I've therefore simply decided to set my own goals, and then, if I can achieve them, those will be my victories. I can't rely on this Cowboys organization to make smart choices. Even if they did, it doesn't actually affect my life.


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It’s really time for all fans to realize winning championships isn’t the top priority anymore.

Anything is still possible as long as the games are played and I’m not saying shouldn’t retain some glimmer of hope .