For me I've found that this is a difficult question. There are the standard things of course. Triple check grammar, don't lie / let recruiters lie, etc, etc, etc. I have no doubt you are well aware of those.
Where it becomes more difficult and most people don't tell you this is formatting and details. Some employers want details, while others don't want your resume to be more than a brief single page overview. Some prefer your resume in Word / PDF format, while others prefer plain text. Generally, I create a text and a Word version, then export the Word version to PDF.
On the detail side. I literally only did this once for one company though two actually saw it. (including my current employer) I created a brief single page experience / skill set page, then included details pages. It sort of resembled a table of contents and followed by a dictionary of sort.
That said. I went to an Interview and took this copy with me. The company seems surprised to see it in that format an even said so. I ended up getting a call back, so I guess they didn't hate it. (or at least not enough to not call back) When I left that Internet, I got a call from a recruiter who immediately sent me to another Interview that was in the same area I was already in. As that was the only resume I had one me, I also gave them a copy of it. They are my current employer, so they must not have totally hated it either.
Now, I can't necessarily recommend using that format as I've never seen it done like that before and just because I got contacted by both doesn't mean it was the the right format. I'm sure someone wouldn't like it, though I came up with the idea due to all the mixed information I was getting about like "put ALL your experience on your resume" vs "keep it a brief one pager".
One thing I definitely find that holds true is don't put stuff on your resume you haven't used in years unless it is absolutely relevant to the opportunity you are applying for. Probably more info you are already aware of.
Oh one last thing. If you talk to a recruiter. Choke him/her for me.