Sin City


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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Really, does this look like the coolest movie ever or what?

It's got perfect reviews so far from, I can't wait for it next Friday.

About time the movie season perked up...
Dunno anything about the comic, er, I mean, graphic novel, but the movie looks amazing.
Yup, Sin City looks awesome. I can't wait to see it. Nice to see Mickey Rourke working again, even though they had to put a mask on him.

Check out this movie. I thought I had a tumor or something when I seen it.
Very Cool.
A Scanner Darkly
Oh man I'm counting down the days, I seriously cannot WAIT to see this movie

I'm a lover of Tarantino movies and well, this one is directed by his friend Robert Rodriguez (once upon a time in mexico, from dusk til dawn, desperado)

and it looks like it has a Pulp Fiction type feel to it, and it's got an all star cast and I heard that it is very violent


other movies we need to see:

Batman Begins
King Kong (directed by Peter Jackson who directed Lord of the Rings, comes out late 2005)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (yeah, haha)
War of the Worlds
I'm excited about the movie and a little nervous. I'm getting a Dick Tracy vibe where everything looked fake and cartoony. Sin City books were the antithesis of cartoony.

The visual style of Sin City is striking, but that's not what made the original stories groundbreaking, at least not style alone. The internal dialog/language was also a massive part of the books and I'm interested to see how they do this on screen. Most movie adaptations remove significant chunks of internal dialog or create new characters just to insert the dialogue, but Sin City was 80% internal dialogue and most of the classic lines came from the voice inside the character or from the narrator.

If it ends up being style over substance, definite props for the creative vision and risk taking. The casting along could make it great. Mickey Rourke pretty much is the perfect Marv.

And I'm looking forward to Jessica Alba :D Her character gyrates far more than she talks, and that works in everyone's favor.

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