Siri: The iPhone Movie

Fade-in/fade-out cuts are getting ridiculous.
When it first started I was like, "Wow! Awesome idea!" Then after watching the whole thing it wasn't that great. Some scenes were great while others were rather blah.

I did love the one where the guy says, "Siri, where's a knife?" or something like that and Siri responds, "There's an app for that!" :D

I hope someone else takes the same idea and focuses less on a walking, flying, moving iPhone and instead plays the role of an inanimate object just talking as it does. For example, have it come on at night while someone is asleep and say something like, "There are 5,123 ways to kill someone while they sleep." :D

Temo;4325761 said:
Fade-in/fade-out cuts are getting ridiculous.

Not specific to this video, I despise non-stop fade-in/out scenes in movie trailers. The worst ones are when the fade-in/outs happen so far you can hardly tell what was in the scene. They do it so they can make a full length trailer out of very little film and it is very rare I leave the video impressed.

Nods. I debated even posting it since it wasn't that great, but loved the idea behind it.

I love that people can produce these mini-movies at home now with ease and Youtube gives them a place to be seen.

Gotta love technology today!
Reality;4325774 said:
Not specific to this video, I despise non-stop fade-in/out scenes in movie trailers. They do it so they can make a full length trailer out of very little film and it is very rare I leave the video impressed.


And ever since the Inception trailer (or at least, more since that trailer was a huge success), everyone's doing the fade-in and out with a music score too.

It's so ubiquitous now to the point of self-parody.
Too bad we can't post the Siri argument clip between the husband and wife.

"Ask my wife if she's ******** Jim MacPhearson!?!?!"

"searching for: a place to hide."

"Tell my husband he wishes it was JUST Jim MacPhearson!"

"i don't want to."


"please don't make me."

"Do it!"

"Send my wife directions to ****!"

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