Something to keep in mind.


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Last year Dale brought up how many times the media, and certainly the fan reporters, only see bits and pieces of practice.

One may see a player struggle at one point, only to miss that player do very well at another. They then report on what they saw, so we never get the complete picture.

We are left getting pieces here and chunks there, like today when Dale saw Henson struggling and Radiohead saw him doing well.

We will have those that will use these incomplete reports as proof that things are like they WANT them to be, and not necessarily how they really are in reality.

Others will over-react that all is lost.

Well we are 4 days into camp, none of the reports are completely accurate, and we won't know anything until we have cuts, depth charts, and preseason games.

I love to get info, and I'm thankful to Dale, Radiohead and anyone else taking the time to give it too us, but there is a lot going on and nobody, that isn't a Cowboy coach, is seeing everything. And even the coaches need video tape to see it all.;)


Proud Navy Veteran 1990-1995
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I agree with you 100%, but after a long offseason I think we are all looking at any and everything under a microscope. I'd think that shortly things may settle down and some of the intensity will subside and more accurate reports will be available....


Well-Known Member
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Just do what I do, accpet good reports as gospel and negative ones as the mindless over analysis bythe eternal pessimists.
Remember, these are the Cowboys! Remember the reason for the hole in the roof of Texas Stadium! There is no bad stuff, only good!

:toast2: :thumbup: :dance3:
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I kinda agree, kinda don't.. We don't know EVERYTHING about what is going on, but when we get objective info from Dale and Radiohead and others, it tells us all much more than the subjective reports we get from the media. For example, I can gleen a lot more about how a player is doing from a fan report that says Key ran a post and caught the ball with his hands over TNew, then a media report telling me Key looks like he's in shape and is poised for a good season. For some reason reporters feel the need to tell a story or write an entertaining article. I just want the facts. What happened? Who did what? That tells you a whole heck of a lot more than a fluffy story. I LOVE the posts from fellow fans that tell what happened and who did it. I know they don't see every play, but to a man they are upfront about saying when the players were "on the other side of the field" or "I didn't get the number." If there is any reason why we should not get our hopes up about players who have been "showing up", it's because football games and football practices are two different animals.


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I agree in principle..but at least the reports give us enough of the "reality" even in the differences reported...we can at least gleen some elements that are similar and thus can get a better picture than we would otherwise..but point taken..only time will tell the whole story. :)