South Jersey Cowboys Fan

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Im 12 year old cowboys fan from voorhees i know i know more football then anybody my age because of my dad

Im a cowboys because in my house if your not a cowboys fan you dont eat lol

My dad help me set this acount up His username is sonnyboy thats our picture in the profile you will half to guessc which one is me

The worst lost of season was the giants loss because we have lead 34-22 with like 5 minutes to go and let them scored to make it 34-29 but stupid miles austin lost it in the lights for the millonth time in his career that blew the game the worst part is when we were trying to make the game tying fieldgoal when it was perfect until the giants called a timeout before the snap ofcourse the next fieldgoal gets blocked this was my expression after the game:bang2:


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Glad to have you here son of sonnyboy...

The fact that your father doesn't let you eat unless you're a Cowboy fan shows that he loves you...

That's terrific parenting of the highest order... good work sonnyboy... :bravo:

Have fun while you are here, little man...