Speed Limits: Yay or Nay?


Anger is a Gift
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I absolutely hate speed limits. They were established as a response to the oil crisis in the 70's and have since been transformed into a necessary safety feature, despite data that shows speed has no relation to annual fatalities. I think it's a money maker, and that's why it's stuck. What are your thoughts?
The way the autobahn functions is nice. Basically the maximum speed is whatever general traffic is flowing at. If you are going excessively faster than traffic, (in traffic) you WILL get a ticket or arrested.
nyc;3957650 said:
The way the autobahn functions is nice. Basically the maximum speed is whatever general traffic is flowing at. If you are going excessively faster than traffic, (in traffic) you WILL get a ticket or arrested.

Actually, the autobahn does have speed limits in urban areas.

As for speed limits in the US, they were lowered in the 70s, not instituted from unlimited.
well happy some of our highways here in Texas will increase to 85

Speedy drivers may find safe haven in Texas, which is considering raising its speed limit to a whopping 85 mph in some areas.

At 80 mph, Texas' speed limit is already one of the highest in the nation, but the Texas House of Representatives has approved a bill that would raise that limit to 85 on certain roads in rural areas of the state.

Drive through western Kansas or any part of Nebraska or Wyoming and then try to defend speed limits.
Doomsday101;3957673 said:
well happy some of our highways here in Texas will increase to 85

Speedy drivers may find safe haven in Texas, which is considering raising its speed limit to a whopping 85 mph in some areas.

At 80 mph, Texas' speed limit is already one of the highest in the nation, but the Texas House of Representatives has approved a bill that would raise that limit to 85 on certain roads in rural areas of the state.


The problem in Texas is that no one understands that slower drivers should keep right. In fact, I'm going to make this my mission.....to get signs like this posted all over the highways in the Metroplex, starting with 360.
CowboyDan;3957676 said:
The problem in Texas is that no one understands that slower drivers should keep right. In fact, I'm going to make this my mission.....to get signs like this posted all over the highways in the Metroplex, starting with 360.

I think many understand they just don't care.
Phoenix;3957670 said:
Actually, the autobahn does have speed limits in urban areas.

As for speed limits in the US, they were lowered in the 70s, not instituted from unlimited.

Firts off, let's clear up that we're talking about Interstate Highways. And they were left up to the individual States before 1974, and were returned to the individual States in 1995.
I find most people in the south can't handle 35 mph, much less unlimited. And if it rains...forgetaboutit.

I've been on the Autobahn. Great if you have a high performance car. I think I would be responsible enough when to go fast. I'm not big into going super fast, in part because I don't think my car can handle it all of the time. But others, yeesh.

Yay in both directions. I drive fast myself and 75-80 seems about right to me. The speed limit is highest in some areas at 65 in Jersey. People flying around at 90-100 is pretty unnecessary.

If only they'd get around to enforcing the flip side of this and target the other law in effect, which is keep to right except to pass. Because then you have people speeding in a blind spot and the cause of this is worse than simply speeding, namely, the jerk in the left lane knowing full what he/she/s doing and being stubborn about it.

If I were a cop I'd target these people specifically.
Doomsday101;3957673 said:
well happy some of our highways here in Texas will increase to 85

Speedy drivers may find safe haven in Texas, which is considering raising its speed limit to a whopping 85 mph in some areas.

At 80 mph, Texas' speed limit is already one of the highest in the nation, but the Texas House of Representatives has approved a bill that would raise that limit to 85 on certain roads in rural areas of the state.


From what I had read, the 85 mph speed limit would only be on newly constructed or revamped highways. More than likely those will end being tollways.
nyc;3957650 said:
The way the autobahn functions is nice. Basically the maximum speed is whatever general traffic is flowing at. If you are going excessively faster than traffic, (in traffic) you WILL get a ticket or arrested.

The autobahn is a very nice highway. There are roads out there that aren't in nearly as good as shape as the autobahn, yet they are in the middle of nowhere. What is the balance? You could go 100 mph and never come across another car. At the same time you could end up in a single car accident going that fast because the road is not in pristine condition.

Speed limits are fine, but they can be fine tuned. There are plenty of roads out there that can accommodate a slight bump up in speed. And as others have stated, slower traffic needs to keep right and maintain a minimum speed.
joseephuss;3957820 said:
From what I had read, the 85 mph speed limit would only be on newly constructed or revamped highways. More than likely those will end being tollways.

What about school zones? Can we go 85 in school zones? :laugh2:
Hoofbite;3957674 said:
Drive through western Kansas or any part of Nebraska or Wyoming and then try to defend speed limits.

No crap. We used to drive from Texas to North Dakota every summer when I was a kid. If I have to pay $6 to drive through that wretched state, known as Kansas, I better be able to drive as fast as I want.
Rynie;3957849 said:
No crap. We used to drive from Texas to North Dakota every summer when I was a kid. If I have to pay $6 to drive through that wretched state, known as Kansas, I better be able to drive as fast as I want.

I know what you mean went through Neb after about 45 min of seeing nothing but Corn fields I was about ready to pull over and shoot myself.

I can see why the kids in Children of the Corn were so hacked off. :laugh2:
Yeah it would be so much better to allow all those crappy drivers out there to drive as fast as they want to. That's exactly what I want going on while I'm driving or more importantly my daughter.

People cry about the dumbest things.
We need speed limits for sure.

If I had kids of any age I would feel even stronger about it.
We have a lot of 65 and 75 mph highways here in Colorado and I think it is much safer. You dont get idiots driving in the left lane trying to go 55 like they do when the limit is 55, which in my opinion is 10 times more dangerous then people keeping with the flow at 75-80.
I vote for speed limits. The lack of would only make my job messier.
Plus, I've already seen enough innards of brain housing groups.

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