Sports Radio "The Ticket" stinks

InmanRoshi said:
The truth of the matter is there is only a small segment of the population who is interested in "diehard" sports talk 24X7, especially in the south, west and midwest. The reason they talk about other things is because they like not going bankrupt. Most sportstalk radio stations do not bring in good numbers.

Radio sports talk is iterative, unimaginative and boring, and most knowledgable fans know more than the hosts anyway. With the wealth of knowledge of the internet at your fingertips, I don't know why anyone would want to get their sports information from a radio DJ.

I can answer your last question.....because I am stuck in my car 2 hours a day. I have a long commute.
why would they be talking Cowboys when free agency is pretty much over and there are other things going on in the sports world. It's not All Cowboys All the Time. We have 3 other pro sports teams hear. Rangers about to start the baseball season and it's almost playoff time for the Mavricks. Cowboy talk will pick up the first weeks leading up to the draft. If you don't like it, don't listen. There's a multitude of metroplex residents that love The Ticket.
StoneyBurk said: 12:00 - 3:00
Mike Fisher talks Cowboys a lot . but I don't know about this week.

Fish (990), Norm (the Ticket), Randy Galloway, Chuck Cooperstein and Jennifer Floyd (103.3) are all very good. You have to mix it up in order to get the best radio for Boys info.

The Ticket is about making money, and either you like their schtick or you hate it.
This station is a joke! I have a day off from work today and want to hear some news on the Boys', but, instead there's all these foolish comedy skits playing. What's up w/ this? Someone know where there's some serious sports talk on the net?


Yeah the Tickett 1310, I remember when they first came on the air, they used to talk local sports all the time, I mean spend HOURS everyday on the draft for weeks. Had several programs that loved their football...and their Cowboys.

They simply SUCK now.
p1_ said:
Fish (990), Norm (the Ticket), Randy Galloway, Chuck Cooperstein and Jennifer Floyd (103.3) are all very good. You have to mix it up in order to get the best radio for Boys info.

The Ticket is about making money, and either you like their schtick or you hate it.

I wish I lived in Dallas :D
What radio station carries all 7 rounds of the draft?

Is there another radio in America that carries all 7 rounds of the draft with local commentators from the perspective of their local team?

When the draft is going on and I'm posting information about what Norm, Rick Gosselin, Mickey Spagnola live at Valley Ranch, Jerry Jones, scouting services like Ourlads, are saying about our 2nd day draft picks, I'll be sure to include a "DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE TICKET" in the title so all of you who to through the trouble of making a new post every week about your personal tastes in radio won't be subjected to it.
This station is a joke! I have a day off from work today and want to hear some news on the Boys', but, instead there's all these foolish comedy skits playing. What's up w/ this? Someone know where there's some serious sports talk on the net?


Sooooooo hilarious...there are about 7 different threads about The Ticket

Here’s a tip…don’t listen

These threads are about as ridiculous as a person eating a banana or an orange …peal and all

Take what you need and throw the rest away
InmanRoshi said:
What radio station carries all 7 rounds of the draft?

Is there another radio in America that carries all 7 rounds of the draft with local commentators from the perspective of their local team?

When the draft is going on and I'm posting information about what Norm, Rick Gosselin, Mickey Spagnola live at Valley Ranch, Jerry Jones, scouting services like Ourlads, are saying about our 2nd day draft picks, I'll be sure to include a "DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE TICKET" in the title so all of you who to through the trouble of making a new post every week about your personal tastes in radio won't be subjected to it.

Yeah you got me, on Draft Day we listen to Norm.

However, that station and the other one don't have near enough Dallas Cowboys coverage, I'd listen to Newy, Mickey or Norm talk football anyday for any station.

The rest of that noise is ******** and frankly so are the people that get into it. Their state of mind is remeadial at best, just like the dorks they are believing. (Galloway and Rienner) It would take a roided up waterhead to listen to that crap and actually enjoy the smoke up you tucas.
LoneStar22 said:
Yeah you got me, on Draft Day we listen to Norm.

However, that station and the other one don't have near enough Dallas Cowboys coverage, I'd listen to Newy, Mikckey or Norm talk football anyday for any station.

The rest of it is ******** and the people that get into it are remeadial at best, because of the dorks they are believing like Galloway and Rienner. I mean it take a roided up waterhead to listen to that crap and actually enjoy the smoke up you tucas.

I can check on this board almost weekly and find new information on the Cowboys based on an interview from the KTCK that you could get no where else. Be it Jerry, Stephen, JJT, Rick Gosselin, Troy or Mickey's Ranch report. They do the interview, and move on to something else. What they don't do is rehash it over and over and over for 3 hours with imaginary scenerios and "what ifs". At a certain point, you're just rehashing the same "what ifs" you talked about yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. Which, obivously, doesn't seem to bother people who regularly visit team messageboards to rehash the same what-ifs over and over again on the internet, but probably isn't that interesting to the more casual fan.
And what The Hardline doesn't do continue talking about the same sports-related topics that have been beat to death all morning and most of the afternoon when come on. The touch on it and move on. I must be "********" as one of the previous posters said because i love the Ticket.
BlueStar22 said:
And what The Hardline doesn't do continue talking about the same sports-related topics that have been beat to death all morning and most of the afternoon when come on. The touch on it and move on. I must be "********" as one of the previous posters said because i love the Ticket.
Well they did admit to appealing to the lowest human demoninator so you probably do like low-brow humor. Captain DooDoo and obvious man stuff.

I give the Ticket credit for alot of good marketing which started under the PD that stated "cowboys, cowboys, cowboys". Now its a bunch of wouldya and angry ticket chicks in bikinis we cant see over the air and Corby trying to crack jokes.

I have a couple of The Ticket shirts and go appreciate the fact they were the first station in the area to offer sports updates but have switched my primary channel and am a p1 for espn103.3.

The Ticket's biggest fans probably care less about sports. The ones I know who have stuck with them certianly don't.

Norm of course was hired after a huge radio merger. He wasnt with the Ticket a few years ago and the guys spend hours making fun of him each week.
Say what you want about the Ticket. But they are the model that all other sports radio stations try to emmulate.

When they first started, the so called experts predicted that they'd be off the air in 6 months. Because they knew that just straight sports talk would never last. But there were a few things that no one realized.

1: They are just a bunch of sports junkies that sit around and talk sports and guy stuff. They don't care what you/me want to hear when we tune in. They talk about whatever they want. And they're real people. Not plastic posers like 99.999999% of other talk radio.

2: Gordon Keith. Nuff said!

I first heard of the Ticket in early April 1994, and I've been addicted ever since.

Don't wanna rub anyone the wrong way here, but if you don't like or "get" the Ticket....It's truly your loss!

P.S. They've won best talk/sports radio station of the year 5 of their 11 years. That's a national award. They're OBVIOUSLY doing something right!

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