Stop Pointing Fingers, and be accountable!


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Yes it's easy to blame one player, but as we all know, it's a team game! Not just one player played bad in the playoff game, everyone didn't do their job to get a win. With that said, it's time for these players to hold themselves accountable, go look in the mirror, an assess how they could have been better. How they could have been better during the season, leading up to the game, in practice, preparation, treatments, keeping up with their bodies, etc! Let's be accountable, and attempt to move forward, please give your thoughts!!


Well-Known Member
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Yes it's easy to blame one player, but as we all know, it's a team game! Not just one player played bad in the playoff game, everyone didn't do their job to get a win. With that said, it's time for these players to hold themselves accountable, go look in the mirror, an assess how they could have been better. How they could have been better during the season, leading up to the game, in practice, preparation, treatments, keeping up with their bodies, etc! Let's be accountable, and attempt to move forward, please give your thoughts!!
AMEN!! Sadly, the culture of losing breeds dysfunction and a loser mentality. Jerry won't act until we hit rock bottom. At that time, he won't be able to sell the fans his snake oil and will be forced to either give up his daily responsibilities or make sweeping changes. We are Philly lite right now and have been for 28 years. Dysfunctional and toxic.


Well-Known Member
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Yes it's easy to blame one player, but as we all know, it's a team game! Not just one player played bad in the playoff game, everyone didn't do their job to get a win. With that said, it's time for these players to hold themselves accountable, go look in the mirror, an assess how they could have been better. How they could have been better during the season, leading up to the game, in practice, preparation, treatments, keeping up with their bodies, etc! Let's be accountable, and attempt to move forward, please give your thoughts!!
The yearly slogan, I need to get better, I will get better, I promise everyone I will work hard to get better. Here we go…….