Stop wasting your $$$! Pediatricians offer first report on organic foods

There was a special on Rock Center recently on the fact that gluten-free foods are only beneficial to about 1% of the population.

Whenever they started coming out with studies showing that there's little or no correlation between obesity and cardiovascular disease, I completely gave up on listening to the nutcases who rant about eating healthy like it's a religion.
These things are essentially senseless, because it won't prove conclusive enough for either side. The two sides will back up their arguments with what opposing nutritionist/doctors say and neither will budge. The doctor with the contrasting opinion will be derided as either a quack or a big money prostitute.

Organic has been a boon for business, with companies doubling their output under different names. On the other hand, I'd rather err on the side of caution and not eat chemicals if I could help it.
theogt;4799422 said:
There was a special on Rock Center recently on the fact that gluten-free foods are only beneficial to about 1% of the population.

Whenever they started coming out with studies showing that there's little or no correlation between obesity and cardiovascular disease, I completely gave up on listening to the nutcases who rant about eating healthy like it's a religion.
Yea, I saw that too. I have no doubt some can feel the differences in gluten vs non-glue...I know I feel the diff when I eat beef vs a strictly veg meal. But not enough to cause me to sway me to never shove a double/double in my puss when I feel like one.

vta;4799424 said:
These things are essentially senseless, because it won't prove conclusive enough for either side. The two sides will back up their arguments with what opposing nutritionist/doctors say and neither will budge. The doctor with the contrasting opinion will be derided as either a quack or a big money prostitute.

Organic has been a boon for business, with companies doubling their output under different names. On the other hand, I'd rather err on the side of caution and not eat chemicals if I could help it.
Agree on both points.
Gluten Free Diet is appropriate for people with celiac disease - If you have this condition eating foods with gluten will cause a reaction that can damage the microvilli of the intestine which will then cause malabsorption of many nutrients. Avoiding gluten will allow the intestine to heal so if you have celiac disease it is recommended to follow a gluten free diet for life which is a major pain in the rear because so many foods and food products have wheat, rye, barley, oats even in small quantities that can cause this reaction.

As far as organic foods - the article states there is no nutritive advantage to buying organic and i beleive they are referring to there wont be more vitamin/nutrients in an organic tomato than a regular tomato - however there should be less pesticides and hormones, etc. I think the doctors are saying there is no direct evidence that eating non-organic will increase your likelihood of contracting a disease from the pesticides, hormoes, etc......But they did say that more studies could be done in specific areas.

You could wonder if a diet containing livestock given hormones could be a contributing factor to cancers over a long period of time - and there would be no evidence that the cancer was caused by this or whether this was a contributing factor because there are so many things that are beleived to increase risk of cancer today so how would you be able to isolate it to specific food and food products. But at this pioint there is no definitive proof.
DallasCowpoke;4799413 said:
This to me isn't about nutrition value. It's about chemicals used to grow And protect non organic foods. It's says right here in the article that they don't know the long term effects of these chemicals but yet our government says they are safe.

Sounds pretty ignorant.

"While there’s no question that conventionally grown foods have more pesticides than organic foods, the effect isn’t certain.
“They are at low levels -- certainly lower than the federal government regulatory cutoffs and lower than is thought to be dangerous for adults,” Silverstein said. “However, we don’t know the effect of these low levels on children during the vulnerable period of time when brain growth is occurring: in utero and through the first few years of life.”
There are relatively specific tests that diagnose celiac disease. If you don't have it then you probably can eat it with impunity. However, if you feel better on a certain diet and it is reasonably healthy enough then do it.

Except for fish and shrimp I eat mostly vegetables. I feel better when I don't eat too much and I stay on my 'Chinese' diet. When I eat more traditional 'Western' food I often don't feel well for a time.

While only 1/3 of adult Americans who are obese develop diabetes, there is evidence in animals that lean and trim ones live about 1/3 longer. FWIW.

So whatever floats your boat as long as its healthy.

A recent study showed a 7-8% less incidence of cancer in mature men who took a multivitamin daily. So I'd add ONE multivitamin a day.
Hoov;4799458 said:
Gluten Free Diet is appropriate for people with celiac disease - If you have this condition eating foods with gluten will cause a reaction that can damage the microvilli of the intestine which will then cause malabsorption of many nutrients. Avoiding gluten will allow the intestine to heal so if you have celiac disease it is recommended to follow a gluten free diet for life which is a major pain in the rear because so many foods and food products have wheat, rye, barley, oats even in small quantities that can cause this reaction.

As far as organic foods - the article states there is no nutritive advantage to buying organic and i beleive they are referring to there wont be more vitamin/nutrients in an organic tomato than a regular tomato - however there should be less pesticides and hormones, etc. I think the doctors are saying there is no direct evidence that eating non-organic will increase your likelihood of contracting a disease from the pesticides, hormoes, etc......But they did say that more studies could be done in specific areas.

You could wonder if a diet containing livestock given hormones could be a contributing factor to cancers over a long period of time - and there would be no evidence that the cancer was caused by this or whether this was a contributing factor because there are so many things that are beleived to increase risk of cancer today so how would you be able to isolate it to specific food and food products. But at this pioint there is no definitive proof.

About as spot on as you can get.

And to take it even further all these pesticides that we now use go right into our water supply. I tested water for 3 years. This isn't your father/grandfathers nice clean earth anymore.

In Newport News Va the city water plant used to much of a "safe" chemical to treat the water about a decade or so ago. Well about 7 women had miscarriages and it was proven the water was the cause.

Story never even made it to local tv news. It was a clear "hush hush" job and "settled" out of court.
There is also the debate over beef from grass fed cows vs cows fed grains to speed up their growth.

Interstingly a grass fed cow will have more antioxidants, be leaner so less total fat and have less saturated fat and more omegs 3 fatty acids and higher concentrations of other vitamins.

However some feel that the difference is not all that much to justify the increase in cost and since there is less marbling with the beef it may require adjustments in cooking methods to produce the same quality of steak as far as taste and texture.

A lot of "organic meats" are still from grain fed livestock - oranic and grass fed are two separate things. Generally meats that are from grass fed cattle are pretty expensive.
jobberone;4799491 said:
There are relatively specific tests that diagnose celiac disease. If you don't have it then you probably can eat it with impunity. However, if you feel better on a certain diet and it is reasonably healthy enough then do it.

Except for fish and shrimp I eat mostly vegetables. I feel better when I don't eat too much and I stay on my 'Chinese' diet. When I eat more traditional 'Western' food I often don't feel well for a time.

While only 1/3 of adult Americans who are obese develop diabetes, there is evidence in animals that lean and trim ones live about 1/3 longer. FWIW.

So whatever floats your boat as long as its healthy.

A recent study showed a 7-8% less incidence of cancer in mature men who took a multivitamin daily. So I'd add ONE multivitamin a day.
There seems to be a growing body of evidence that a diet higher in fruits and vegetables may have some prevention factors against cancer.

I also have heard that the animal studies are showing that the animals that eat less - but still enough to prevent malnutrition - live the longest.

A funny thing about the whole vitamin craze - people were claiming take mega doses of vit c to kill free radicals that are beleived to be the leading cause of aging and age related diseases.

Vit C is a reducing agent - which means it can reduce or kill a free radical (if my chemistry memorry is correct that means it is taking a hydrogen from the free radical) - But on the flip side vit c can also creat free radicals by reducing other cells .

Not saing that a MVI is not a good idea - people need to just remember balance and moderation - as with all things.
Hoov;4799458 said:
Gluten Free Diet is appropriate for people with celiac disease - If you have this condition eating foods with gluten will cause a reaction that can damage the microvilli of the intestine which will then cause malabsorption of many nutrients. Avoiding gluten will allow the intestine to heal so if you have celiac disease it is recommended to follow a gluten free diet for life which is a major pain in the rear because so many foods and food products have wheat, rye, barley, oats even in small quantities that can cause this reaction.

The population of the US as of 6/2011 was just shy of 312 million. 1% of that population, legitimately has Celiac Disease. The percentage of those that have some form of gluten sensitivity, is only a few points higher.

You do the math.

While I'm not discounting the legitimacy of gluten sensitivity, no matter how mild or severe in any one individual it may be. There is ZERO percentage-points doubt in my mind, that 100's of companies have jumped on the chicken little snowball of, "hey look, this is going to make us $$$...lets make gluten free envelopes and we'll sell billions!"
Hoov;4799526 said:
There seems to be a growing body of evidence that a diet higher in fruits and vegetables may have some prevention factors against cancer.

I also have heard that the animal studies are showing that the animals that eat less - but still enough to prevent malnutrition - live the longest.

A funny thing about the whole vitamin craze - people were claiming take mega doses of vit c to kill free radicals that are beleived to be the leading cause of aging and age related diseases.

Vit C is a reducing agent - which means it can reduce or kill a free radical (if my chemistry memorry is correct that means it is taking a hydrogen from the free radical) - But on the flip side vit c can also creat free radicals by reducing other cells .

Not saing that a MVI is not a good idea - people need to just remember balance and moderation - as with all things.

One MVI a day is not going to ever be a problem, takes care of small imbalances in diet, and at least this one study suggests it may help a significant amt in preventing cancer in mature men. Obviously more studies need to follow this up but a multivitamin isn't going to hurt a thing a one a day is not expensive.

I take a baby aspirin a day as well. I used to take Vit E but not so much now.

Exercise promotes health when done in a healthy fashion and improves quality of life. Not weighing too much helps hypertension, sleep apnea and related disorders, diabetes, cardiac health, and probably slows aging some.

Not much new here. Eat your vegetables and exercise was something my mother told me in the 50s. She was a pioneer. :)
theogt;4799422 said:
There was a special on Rock Center recently on the fact that gluten-free foods are only beneficial to about 1% of the population.

Whenever they started coming out with studies showing that there's little or no correlation between obesity and cardiovascular disease, I completely gave up on listening to the nutcases who rant about eating healthy like it's a religion.

All that matters really is calories in vs calories out. People are getting obese because they just eat whatever and don't monitor their calories.

If they just ate the same things they eat now but just less of it then they would most likely be fine and maintain a healthy weight.

Eating "healthy" foods does make you feel a little better because of all the nutrients you are getting though. I'll stand by that. But you can get just as obese eating those foods too.
I don't remember anyone saying organic food is more nutritious. I think people, including myself, eat it because they don't want a ton of chemicals in their food.
jobberone;4799795 said:
One MVI a day is not going to ever be a problem, takes care of small imbalances in diet, and at least this one study suggests it may help a significant amt in preventing cancer in mature men. Obviously more studies need to follow this up but a multivitamin isn't going to hurt a thing a one a day is not expensive.

I wouldn't say that for women.
A recent large long-term double-blind placebo-controlled study of women taking one M-Vit daily to assess outcomes and incidence of breast cancer in this group aged 55 to 60 showed a higher incidence of breast cancer in the vitamin group.

I take a baby aspirin a day as well. I used to take Vit E but not so much now.

Same for Vitamin E -- better overall outcomes in the placebo group.

Exercise promotes health when done in a healthy fashion and improves quality of life. Not weighing too much helps hypertension, sleep apnea and related disorders, diabetes, cardiac health, and probably slows aging some.

Not much new here. Eat your vegetables and exercise was something my mother told me in the 50s. She was a pioneer. :)

She was right.
If you’re buying organic foods for your kids because you think they’re more nutritious, you might want to think again. The nation’s pediatricians have weighed in on the issue for the first time, and they say that when it comes to nutritional value, organics are virtually indistinguishable from conventionally produced foods.
I could care less about any distinguishable difference in nutritional value. I would feed organic to my infants not to have pesticides in it.

Are Pediatricians THAT ignorant this days?
Signals;4801739 said:
I could care less about any distinguishable difference in nutritional value. I would feed organic to my infants not to have pesticides in it.

Are Pediatricians THAT ignorant this days?

I started some farming this year and read a little on pesticides. Most of them are gone no more than a week after application. Is there that much risk in regular store bought veggies compared to 'organic'?
jobberone;4801767 said:
I started some farming this year and read a little on pesticides. Most of them are gone no more than a week after application. Is there that much risk in regular store bought veggies compared to 'organic'?
It depends on who you rely on for your information. I'd be willing to bet any pesticide manufacturer would be happy to tell you their product is safe and in fact gone after one week.

We live in an age where more consideration should be given to the source of our information, as the information itself.
Signals;4801807 said:
It depends on who you rely on for your information. I'd be willing to bet any pesticide manufacturer would be happy to tell you their product is safe and in fact gone after one week.

We live in an age where more consideration should be given to the source of our information, as the information itself.

Is there a like button in this place?? Spot on

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