T.O. Finally a Game Changer.


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He has been coming on slow and steady the last couple of weeks.

Big Plays in Big Games. Clearly the difference in todays game as well as last week against Philly.

I was seriously concerned that we were gonna waste what was left in this guys tank.

Garrett has TO like this snowball rolling down hill picking up speed and getting bigger.

Notice how the first two letters in Tony's name is TO. :)

A great sidestory to the Cowboys Team success this year is the chemistry that TO and Romo are developing.

Keep on keeping on


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YoMick;1759674 said:
He has been coming on slow and steady the last couple of weeks.

Big Plays in Big Games. Clearly the difference in todays game as well as last week against Philly.

I was seriously concerned that we were gonna waste what was left in this guys tank.

Garrett has TO like this snowball rolling down hill picking up speed and getting bigger.

Notice how the first two letters in Tony's name is TO. :)

A great sidestory to the Cowboys Team success this year is the chemistry that TO and Romo are developing.

Keep on keeping on

I agree that he has been a bigger factor this year..I don't remember TO having games like this last year..I remember him getting his yards and TD's when we were beating up on teams and disappearing clutch games and situations.

The only 2 games I remember TO being a big factor in last year were the ATL and DET game and we lost the Detriot game.

This year he came up huge Vs. the Giants twice, Eagles, and Bears. He all so helped put away the Vikings and Dolphins.


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If only Terry Glenn had not gotten hurt in pre-season I think Dallas and not NE would be making a run at 16-0.


Dem Boyz
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T.O. has always been a game changer IMO , since his days in the niners..

Glad we took a chance on the guy , now its payin off


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Another thing I've noticed is that it seems as if T.O. is dropping a lot less passes. Makes me wonder if he felt pressured to come up with a big play, which affected his ability to catch consistently.

Now, he seems relaxed. He's out there, celebrating with his teammates, looking fairly nonchalant, well, as far as T.O. goes anyway. I'm wondering if that mindset has helped ease the drops, or if it's just a matter of coincidence/luck.


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Pabst;1760073 said:
Another thing I've noticed is that it seems as if T.O. is dropping a lot less passes. Makes me wonder if he felt pressured to come up with a big play, which affected his ability to catch consistently.

Now, he seems relaxed. He's out there, celebrating with his teammates, looking fairly nonchalant, well, as far as T.O. goes anyway. I'm wondering if that mindset has helped ease the drops, or if it's just a matter of coincidence/luck.

I think it's a lot of what you said. He also said it himself a few times last year. He needs the ball thrown to him early. That makes sense because the longer you go without making a play, I'd imagine the more pressure you put on yourself to make something happen when you get the chance.

Now that he's getting the ball regularly, he doesn't feel the need to have to make a huge play each time.


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For some reason teams have decided to put him in single coverage a good bit for the past couple of weeks. It's a stupid move, but I hope it continues.


Dem Boyz
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theogt;1760080 said:
For some reason teams have decided to put him in single coverage a good bit for the past couple of weeks. It's a stupid move, but I hope it continues.

We have to many weapons on offense to be doublin, T.O. all the time. But

Liek you said Hope it continues..

Billy Bullocks

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Imagine IF Glenn gets back.

I still think NE might be better at WR by virtue that Moss and Welker are probably better than Owens and Crayton. But I'd take Glenn's reliability over Stalloworth (not considering each players age).


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This year's TO is reminding us of why last year's TO could not be called "dominant". We are truly seeing the difference, as Owens has been huge for us so far. And right now? He is on fire.

Welcome back to Hawaii my friend.


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rojan;1760054 said:
I agree that he has been a bigger factor this year..I don't remember TO having games like this last year..I remember him getting his yards and TD's when we were beating up on teams and disappearing clutch games and situations.

The only 2 games I remember TO being a big factor in last year were the ATL and DET game and we lost the Detriot game.

This year he came up huge Vs. the Giants twice, Eagles, and Bears. He all so helped put away the Vikings and Dolphins.

He didn't have games like this last year because we threw him the ball on 2 yard slants and got him lit up every time he touched the ball. The guy is a freak and needs to be down the field. I have never seen a guy that is as physical and fast as TO, and have felt that way since his 9ers days. (just couldn't pull for him then :)


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theogt;1760080 said:
For some reason teams have decided to put him in single coverage a good bit for the past couple of weeks. It's a stupid move, but I hope it continues.

Not out of choice but out of need. Our Oline is killing a 4 man rush, and if you don't get in Tony's face, he will kill your D no matter how many you drop in coverage. Teams are having to send 5-6 rushers to even come close to putting pressure on which means they have to go man to man.


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Billy Bullocks;1760100 said:
Imagine IF Glenn gets back.

I still think NE might be better at WR by virtue that Moss and Welker are probably better than Owens and Crayton. But I'd take Glenn's reliability over Stalloworth (not considering each players age).

I'm still hoping Glenn makes it back after the Thanksgiving game - or right around there.

Let's see if he starts running soon.


Intramural Legend
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Pabst;1760073 said:
Another thing I've noticed is that it seems as if T.O. is dropping a lot less passes. Makes me wonder if he felt pressured to come up with a big play, which affected his ability to catch consistently.

Now, he seems relaxed. He's out there, celebrating with his teammates, looking fairly nonchalant, well, as far as T.O. goes anyway. I'm wondering if that mindset has helped ease the drops, or if it's just a matter of coincidence/luck.

I think that probably has a lot to do with it, but I'm also starting to think that his finger injury affected him a lot more than I originally believed.


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YoMick;1759674 said:
He has been coming on slow and steady the last couple of weeks.

Big Plays in Big Games. Clearly the difference in todays game as well as last week against Philly.

I was seriously concerned that we were gonna waste what was left in this guys tank.

Garrett has TO like this snowball rolling down hill picking up speed and getting bigger.

Notice how the first two letters in Tony's name is TO. :)

A great sidestory to the Cowboys Team success this year is the chemistry that TO and Romo are developing.

Keep on keeping on

I agree. This season he is coming up with the big plays at critical moments of the game. His 2nd TD on the day was a pretty big nail in the coffin of the Giants. It changed the giants game plan and they were forced to pretty much go away from the running game playing into the hands of the Cowboys.


Pixel Pusher
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theogt;1760080 said:
For some reason teams have decided to put him in single coverage a good bit for the past couple of weeks. It's a stupid move, but I hope it continues.

He's probably been doubled more than he's been singled, but when you want to blitz and get to Romo, you don't have much of a choice but to leave either T.O. or Witten in single coverage, and those guys can burn you.


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Last years stats seemed hollow to a degreee. Probably in some ways because the defense played so bad at the end of the season that 1 TD was not changing a game for us like it is this year.

I wiil tell you though that the Oline really improved from the first half to the second half yesterday and Romo had some time in the pocket to hit him deep.