

Well-Known Member
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He is arrogant. He is selfish. He is worried more about his acting career. He is a ******. BUT>>>>> He does not lie and speaks his mind. He called out Mccflabb on being out of shape and years later,lookie lookie it comes to fruition again. He called out Garrett for not using him and running plays correct,then we hear by other players how predictable garrett is. Bengals are terrible however this guy is having a career year at 38?37? either or he is not washed up.I dont want him on our team now. I am just saying the guycan still play and he doesnt lie. Not lying and keeping his trap closed is his biggest fault in the long run as far as the NFL goes.I dont like him but i do admire truthful people.

Yakuza Rich

Well-Known Member
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I've said this for years, but nobody has believed me and only 1 sportswriter mentioned it.

Owens was mad at McNabb after their Super Bowl because McNabb was out very late *the night before the Super Bowl* at a party (the Maxim party IIRC). He then doesn't play well in the Super Bowl and throws up on their last drive.

Soooooooo...put yourself in Owens' shoes. You work your tail off to comeback from a broken leg to be ready in time for the Super Bowl, which every doctor thought was impossible, and you play a whale of a game. Meanwhile your QB stays out very late the *night before the Super Bowl*, doesn't play well and throws up on the final drive.

Wouldn't you be a little upset about that?

You also took a deal with the Eagles with the understanding that you would get paid the next season if you performed that season and wasn't a problem. You do EXACTLY that, then when you want a raise, the Eagles tell you no and that they don't have to and they own the rights to you and can do whatever they please with you. And the one person who could change this is your QB and he's too worried about towing the company line.

TO is not an angel and has done his fair share of things that were not right. But, he's not the devil incarnate and does have legitimate gripes from time to time. But the media, particularly ESPN has some infatuation with protecting McNabb. ESPN probably protects McNabb to this day because of the Limbaugh incident. And since Owens the devil incarnate is a narrative that sells, they protect McNabb and make Owens always look like the bad guy.

Hey, I'm from Syracuse and I'm a SU fan and grew up watching McNabb and know people who work for the athletic dept. and say that McNabb was a really good guy. But he is no angel that the media makes him out to be and IMO, he really handled the TO situation poorly.
