Tech question


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I subscribed to a (free) travel web site and got into a snit with one of
the moderators over something trivial on their message board. Ever since
then, the pages on their site keep reloading, or I get error messages like
"Server too busy. Try again later." In short, it's become impossible to
use. Tech support on their site has not returned my emails. Is it possible
that I've been targeted by them? Can they remotely make my computer keep
reloading their pages by using my ISP address? Could this be some sort of
"denial of service" attack?
bbgun said:
I subscribed to a (free) travel web site and got into a snit with one of
the moderators over something trivial on their message board. Ever since
then, the pages on their site keep reloading, or I get error messages like
"Server too busy. Try again later." In short, it's become impossible to
use. Tech support on their site has not returned my emails. Is it possible
that I've been targeted by them? Can they remotely make my computer keep
reloading their pages by using my ISP address? Could this be some sort of
"denial of service" attack?

Could be, but to be honest if they were using a DOS (denial of service attack) then chances are it would effect you on every web site at the time they are doing it, not just on theirs. Also normally DOS attacks go after web sites, not specific user computers.

Maybe they did something with an IP ban or something that only effects you while on their site but normally an IP ban might let you see a BBS but not be able to post on one.

One thing you may wish to do is completely clean out your cookies, history, temp files (or cache if you are using a different browser then IE).

One other thing you could try is to find another computer on a different ISP (maybe a library or at a friends house) and try going to that site to see what happens.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Could be, but to be honest if they were using a DOS (denial of service attack) then chances are it would effect you on every web site at the time they are doing it, not just on theirs. Also normally DOS attacks go after web sites, not specific user computers.

Maybe they did something with an IP ban or something that only effects you while on their site but normally an IP ban might let you see a BBS but not be able to post on one.

One thing you may wish to do is completely clean out your cookies, history, temp files (or cache if you are using a different browser then IE).

One other thing you could try is to find another computer on a different ISP (maybe a library or at a friends house) and try going to that site to see what happens.

Thanks for your input. The logical question is: why would they go to all that trouble when they could just outright ban me? The fact that they haven't returned emails is what made me suspicious.
bbgun said:
Thanks for your input. The logical question is: why would they go to all that trouble when they could just outright ban me? The fact that they haven't returned emails is what made me suspicious.

It sounds like a long shot to me unless one of those guys is just a person with a problem.

Chances are they do not return their email because they no longer wish to deal with you, since you were banned.

Having said that I have no idea why you were banned, and not to be rude, but I am not interested in that either.

However unless some guy is just a little loopy or just a really power hungry guy that wants trouble...I just doubt they would hack your system from a travel site to teach you a lesson.
Well, I now know I'm being targeted. I cleared the cache and cookies and was allowed to cruise the site as a guest. The second I entered my screen name and password, the same old problems popped up. This can't be a coincidence.
bbgun said:
Well, I now know I'm being targeted. I cleared the cache and cookies and was allowed to cruise the site as a guest. The second I entered my screen name and password, the same old problems popped up. This can't be a coincidence.

Then there is a simple solution, albeit one you may not like....since you are banned, since it would seem they do not want you there....just stay away.

If they are doing some attack on you then it appears it is only after you attempt to login to the site. So far I have not heard you state that things were happening no other sites while you browse.

So my advice would be to stay away from the site and move on.....IF they are indeed doing something to you when you login then it is not worth your time or trouble to continue letting them do so. I mean if that is the type of person that is in charge of a site, then it tells me the site is not the best site for you or others...why even want to be a part of a site that has a person in charge doing something to your computer when you log in.
You have stated you have sent emails about your situation that have went unanswered so it would seem they do not care how you feel.

Cut ties and move on, it is in your best interest even if you liked it there IMO.
Nah. I'll just try to access the site from work instead of home. What pisses me off is the smarmy and sleazy way they went about it. Why not just have the balls and formally ban me?

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