Thanksgiving/Thursday games...


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Anyone else notice how the media and opposing fans do not make an issue games played on any other Thursday? They have been played on weeks 10, 11, 12 and 13 (Thanksgiving). In addition they are scheduled in weeks 14, 15 and 16. Yet they all complain about the Thanksgiving games for Detroit and Dallas.

You can not flex this game as I have seen mentioned on other sites. It is not an easy game to schedule for the home team. All the vendors, employees and other local companies need to make preparations to host such an event. The majority of these people are used to enjoying the holiday with family and friends and not working. Obviously it is not an easy game to move to another city as some suggest.


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Sincerely doubt the NFL willing even consider taking game away from the Cowboys. We are a huge ratings draw which very much needed since Detroit is awful.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
sago1;2451185 said:
Sincerely doubt the NFL willing even consider taking game away from the Cowboys. We are a huge ratings draw which very much needed since Detroit is awful.

So true. Taking the game away from Dallas would be a mistake. The advertisers wouldn't be too happy about it. I remember some years back, Detroit fans were arrogantly saying the league should take the game from Dallas, that it was Detroit's tradition first. I bet they feel stupid now that their team is a laughingstock we are all forced to watch each turkey day for no good reason.


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Some traditions just shouldn't be messed with. Let the Cowboys and Lions keep their home Thanksgiving Day games. They can give another night game to whoever if they want. I do not like all these Thursday night games though. I remember when their used to be one or 2 a season and that's it, with a few Saturday games late in the year. :mad:


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What's good for the Cowboys is good for the NFL. That much as been proven over and over again.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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Actually if you think about it the Thanksgiving game for Dallas and Detriot is a disadvantage to both of those teams because it's on a yearly basis even though it is at home! The Cowboys and Lions only have 3 days to get ready for one of their games every year, their opponents though on the road only have to deal with it maybe once or twice a decade, if that much!

Don't get me wrong I don't want it to change from what it is, I love watching the Boys on T-giving. I'm just trying to throw a different way of looking at it out there.