Coffee, the on again, off again good for you beverage is tied with alcohol for the swings and the latest one on alcohol is that more than 0 is bad for you. The last on coffee is that it was good.
The last article I read on coffee was positive as an assist in holding off certain cancers, throat being one but with one requirement, it cannot be hot or the opposite can happen. Any beverage that is too hot can actually create a favorable environment for that monster.
I've had just about every coffee contraption ever made and miss the sound of the percolator in the morning when that was the only real way to make it home without using the stove.
Used to love iced coffee and then cold brew came along and what an improvement. I have tried a lot of different coffees for cold brew and found the best so far, Stone Mountain Ground for Cold Brew at Amazon. Doesn't get grounds in the coffee, because Carly Simon hates that, and the least amount of residue in the bottom.
I've got a drip machine, French Press, Espresso and had a Keurig because I liked the idea of a variety of coffees but it crapped out and I haven't replaced it and don't know if I will. There's this local roaster here that does an Espresso roast that is the best I've had so I stay with that. I drink my coffee black but have been known to spill some Kahlua or Bailey's in cold brew. That with a fine hand rolled on the thighs of virgins cigar is near perfection. The only thing that would make it better is if one of the virgins showed up and said "CC, I am tired of being a virgin". I would reply "well, Ok, dear, but you know this ends your cigar rolling for me".