The Contender


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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I am not a big fan of reality shows. I think most of them are pretty lame anymore. (OK, I admit I watch King of the Jungle on Animal Planet with my kids). But i just finished watching the first episode of The Contender and I thought it was pretty good. Did anyone else see it and what did you think?
cajun, I watched it. I also thought it was good. Of course, I've always been a Stallone fan, but I did find the show fresh. I guess Thursday it comes on at 10pm EST.

What'd you think of Alfonso? Manfredo was ranked #3 in the world...that's unbelievable. He looked very tentative.
I'm a boxing fan and wanted to see it but I've already missed too many episodes. :( I didn't even realize the season had already started until I saw Sly Stallone on Conan O'Brien.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I'm a boxing fan and wanted to see it but I've already missed too many episodes. :( I didn't even realize the season had already started until I saw Sly Stallone on Conan O'Brien.

I haven't watched it and don't really plan to, but I think it just debuted. So you've probably only missed one episode.
I'd rather stick needles in my eyes and then dilate them with sulfuric acid than watch ANY reality TV show.

So what’s the story line? Contestants bid to win a rigged TV show that gives them a shot at going pro in a rigged sport? As a consolation prize the seediest contestant gets to be the winners manager ala Don King?
I watched it and it was pretty good.

I am 2 episodes in and its pretty cool so far.
They have a heck of alot better boxers than the next great champ did. That show sucked.

Manfredo was ranked 3rd but only by one boxing organization and unranked by all others. He was living off of his Dad's rep and it showed. He did pack a lot of power but couldnt defend at all.
Sadly one of the contestants has since committed suicide. It's sad watching him knowing he's no longer in this world...

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