The harsh reality - the players fooled the coaches


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I will certainly get hammered over this, and the focus seems to be on the poor performance of the coaching staff (which I agree with). But I think the biggest fault of the coaching staff is overestimating the talent of the players. With all the probowlers, the staff did and continues to believe we can 'out talent' everyone without sophisticated schemes or enough variations/wrinkles in our game planning or play calling.

Overrestimated by the coaches:

For now: lets look at three of these players

1. Barber is not an elite back, yet Garrett has treated him like one all season. It is now clear to me that Barber needs a compliment getting equal carries to keep his average up. Teams have figured out to hit him low - so he doesn't break as many tackles as he used to (and he probably is tired). He is still a damn tough runner but he doesn't have the speed or quickness to carry the load as an Elite back and average 4-5 yards per carry. Choice looked obviously quicker today. The fact - overpaid by JJones and overused by Garrett.

2. Hamlin is a journeymen who had a decent season last year. He takes bad angles. He points fingers. He will make an occasional big hit but doesn't make many plays. The fact - way overpaid by JJones and isn't the seconday leader that Wade or Campo thought he was.

3. Ellis is clearly done. He can't get the push in the pass rush anymore. The coaching staff is still putting him out there hoping the old fellow is going to come through. He should probably follow the path KGB - and I have been a big Ellis supporter. The fact - done.

big dog cowboy

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goshan;2393771 said:
1. Barber is not an elite back, yet Garrett has treated him like one all season. It is now clear to me that Barber needs a compliment getting equal carries to keep his average up. Teams have figured out to hit him low - so he doesn't break as many tackles as he used to (and he probably is tired). He is still a damn tough runner but he doesn't have the speed or quickness to carry the load as an Elite back and average 4-5 yards per carry. Choice looked obviously quicker today. The fact - overpaid by JJones and overused by Garrett.

2. Hamlin is a journeymen who had a decent season last year. He takes bad angles. He points fingers. He will make an occasional big hit but doesn't make many plays. The fact - way overpaid by JJones and isn't the seconday leader that Wade or Campo thought he was.

3. Ellis is clearly done. He can't get the push in the pass rush anymore. The coaching staff is still putting him out there hoping the old fellow is going to come through. He should probably follow the path KGB - and I have been a big Ellis supporter. The fact - done.
1. No RB can run without a decent line.
2. Agreed.
3. Backup material only.


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Flo also seems to be nearing the end. He's always been penalty-prone, but now he's a human turnstile. If he's hurt, then it's the coaches fault for putting him out there and continually hurting the team. If we can't put a backup in for a player that's struggling due to an injury, then the coaching staff put together pitiful depth. We know they did at the QB position.


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goshan;2393771 said:
I will certainly get hammered over this, and the focus seems to be on the poor performance of the coaching staff (which I agree with). But I think the biggest fault of the coaching staff is overestimating the talent of the players. With all the probowlers, the staff did and continues to believe we can 'out talent' everyone without sophisticated schemes or enough variations/wrinkles in our game planning or play calling.

Overrestimated by the coaches:

For now: lets look at three of these players

1. Barber is not an elite back, yet Garrett has treated him like one all season. It is now clear to me that Barber needs a compliment getting equal carries to keep his average up. Teams have figured out to hit him low - so he doesn't break as many tackles as he used to (and he probably is tired). He is still a damn tough runner but he doesn't have the speed or quickness to carry the load as an Elite back and average 4-5 yards per carry. Choice looked obviously quicker today. The fact - overpaid by JJones and overused by Garrett.

2. Hamlin is a journeymen who had a decent season last year. He takes bad angles. He points fingers. He will make an occasional big hit but doesn't make many plays. The fact - way overpaid by JJones and isn't the seconday leader that Wade or Campo thought he was.

3. Ellis is clearly done. He can't get the push in the pass rush anymore. The coaching staff is still putting him out there hoping the old fellow is going to come through. He should probably follow the path KGB - and I have been a big Ellis supporter. The fact - done.

Sounds accurate to me, but as far as #1, the o-line isn't doing Barber any favors either.


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Yes, the talent on this team has been way overestimated. Hamlin is not very good and Flo looks to be done. Barber runs sideways way too damn much, but he is still one of the toughest runners in the game. Why they haven't gotten Choice more involved with Felix out is a completed mystery and another coaching failure. :(


Rising Star
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I agree with all your points. Even if MB3 is the best back on the team he is more valuable to the TEAM coming off the bench firing up the fans and players running over tired players.


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goshan;2393771 said:
I will certainly get hammered over this, and the focus seems to be on the poor performance of the coaching staff (which I agree with). But I think the biggest fault of the coaching staff is overestimating the talent of the players. With all the probowlers, the staff did and continues to believe we can 'out talent' everyone without sophisticated schemes or enough variations/wrinkles in our game planning or play calling.

Overrestimated by the coaches:

For now: lets look at three of these players

1. Barber is not an elite back, yet Garrett has treated him like one all season. It is now clear to me that Barber needs a compliment getting equal carries to keep his average up. Teams have figured out to hit him low - so he doesn't break as many tackles as he used to (and he probably is tired). He is still a damn tough runner but he doesn't have the speed or quickness to carry the load as an Elite back and average 4-5 yards per carry. Choice looked obviously quicker today. The fact - overpaid by JJones and overused by Garrett.

2. Hamlin is a journeymen who had a decent season last year. He takes bad angles. He points fingers. He will make an occasional big hit but doesn't make many plays. The fact - way overpaid by JJones and isn't the seconday leader that Wade or Campo thought he was.

3. Ellis is clearly done. He can't get the push in the pass rush anymore. The coaching staff is still putting him out there hoping the old fellow is going to come through. He should probably follow the path KGB - and I have been a big Ellis supporter. The fact - done.

Agree to a certain extent.

Barber's main flaw is he tries to be too cute and goes east and west. He's not Felix. He needs to make cut and go north and south.

Hamlin was a beneiciary of being in the right spot at the right time last year. Although he's far from a bad player.

Tank talked a big game, but has yet to back it up. He's suited for a 4-3 defense.

Ellis is a ghost. He's done. He has made zero impact this year.

Thomas has been outstanding this year, what are you watching. The upgrade between him and Ayodele is like night and day.


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I agree with you on all of them except the Barber comparison. That guy is a stud. This O line just sucks. Flozell is done, Parcells tried several times to replace Gurode, and Davis wasn't wanted in Arizona. On top of that our Qb's are terrible. So any good DC is going to stack the line and dare the JV QB's to pass. No way we can block that many guys with a good O line much less a bad one. It wouldn't matter if it was Barry Sanders running. Also I am amazed at the love Choice gets on this board. Obviously he can't be trusted to pass block or he would play more. I mean he is a third string guy for a reason. You do realize that RB is the easiest position to come in as a rookie and play right away don't you? For whatever reason he can't do it right now. Funny thing is if he did come in and did bad for whatever reason you guys would be *****ing at the coaches for letting him play over Barber.


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I'm starting to believe that they got fooled by Hamlin, although I certainly don't think he's horrible or anything, but Barber will be just fine once Romo and Jones are back in that offensive line up, along with Kyle as well.

It's hard for him to do much without better O-Line play or the threat of your QB being able to actually complete some passes.

Ellis is about to be moved to a pass rush only situational guy anyway so that's not really much of a factor at this point.


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NextGenBoys;2394146 said:
Agree to a certain extent.

Barber's main flaw is he tries to be too cute and goes east and west. He's not Felix. He needs to make cut and go north and south.

Is it him being to cute or is it he plays that's being called. I do agree that sometimes he needs to run north south. Like the play when he bounced to the outside because he saw Ross in that hole. He needed to lower his shoulder and run over him and get 5-6 yards. Instead, he ran outside and lost yards because he's not fast enough to run to the outside against speed rushers and corners. But I dislike toss sweeps to Barber. I know a couple worked today. But I just do not like that call for Barber at all.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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goshan;2393771 said:
I will certainly get hammered over this, and the focus seems to be on the poor performance of the coaching staff (which I agree with). But I think the biggest fault of the coaching staff is overestimating the talent of the players. With all the probowlers, the staff did and continues to believe we can 'out talent' everyone without sophisticated schemes or enough variations/wrinkles in our game planning or play calling.

Overrestimated by the coaches:
How could you leave off the biggest one of all -- Brad Johnson.

I don't think Ellis or Thomas were oversold by anyone... They're just older. But they don't make a ton of money.

But Tank was never half the player his athletic ability and hype suggested, and Barber may not be a franchise back like some people thought.


No Quarter
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remove TO & barber as they're being misused.

to the rest coaches yes but also Jerruh. all the guys (including barber) below got premature extensions or are overpaid. Add Romo too.... never ever should have been resigned MID season. do it in aug or feb. Throw in the entire OL, notably FLO and the worst offense is Brad as if jerry doesn't feel BACKUP QB is important on a team with superbowl hopes. Ugh.

goshan;2393771 said:
I will certainly get hammered over this, and the focus seems to be on the poor performance of the coaching staff (which I agree with). But I think the biggest fault of the coaching staff is overestimating the talent of the players. With all the probowlers, the staff did and continues to believe we can 'out talent' everyone without sophisticated schemes or enough variations/wrinkles in our game planning or play calling.

Overrestimated by the coaches:

For now: lets look at three of these players

1. Barber is not an elite back, yet Garrett has treated him like one all season. It is now clear to me that Barber needs a compliment getting equal carries to keep his average up. Teams have figured out to hit him low - so he doesn't break as many tackles as he used to (and he probably is tired). He is still a damn tough runner but he doesn't have the speed or quickness to carry the load as an Elite back and average 4-5 yards per carry. Choice looked obviously quicker today. The fact - overpaid by JJones and overused by Garrett.

2. Hamlin is a journeymen who had a decent season last year. He takes bad angles. He points fingers. He will make an occasional big hit but doesn't make many plays. The fact - way overpaid by JJones and isn't the seconday leader that Wade or Campo thought he was.

3. Ellis is clearly done. He can't get the push in the pass rush anymore. The coaching staff is still putting him out there hoping the old fellow is going to come through. He should probably follow the path KGB - and I have been a big Ellis supporter. The fact - done.


Vet Min Plus
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Solid points but it all goes back to the man calling the shots, Garrett. The defense wouldn't look so bad if we could sustain drives and win the time of possession battle. Barber needs to be the #2 back, his lack of speed is killing us. I just don't know if Felix could hold up as we have clearly seen already. We need to see what we have in Choice...