The Media is one big contradiction!


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They hype Dallas up, they NEED Dallas to be relevant and to keep viewership relevant on their show. If you look at these main sports shows, talking about Dallas is constant! They never talk about the Jags, or the Vikings, or Falcons for any reason, but good ole dallas they LOVE to talk about. The teams mentioned were just examples, I know they may not be the best of teams, but it was just for example on how much they use our name to be relevant.

Yet on the other hand, when we're not doing good, they dog us into the ground. How do you dog someone that you need??? YES it's their job to be unbiased, but geez, make up your mind. When it rains in dallas it POURS from the media!! I'm sick of it, and it will never stop. Maybe when Jerry is gone, it'll slow down because he's also a part of the problem, they know they're able to get a story from him at any moment, he loves the attention. Please give your thoughts on this......


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sounds like some fans ... except they always the team into the ground ..... after win .... :laugh: