Sorry. Disagree 100% with initial post. I have found for years the quality of tackling and the training/teaching style (the: face opponents chest, hammer him, lift technique - totally unrealistic way to tackle 200-300 pound guys running 4.2 - 5.0 40's and capable of amazing feats of agility) as almost silly. On top of that many players just fling themselves like missiles, head down, eyes often closed to try and "tackle" - actually they aren't tackling they are "bowling" someone over. Result, is many misses, many injuries to both player or players from your own team (how many guys has Heath - sorry to single him out- hurt on the Cowboys when he does this?), and many bounce offs where opposing player doesn't even go down. I have sons that I want to NOT have CTE for the majority of their lives from playing football. Rugby style of tackling, down low, hit with shoulder, head behind opopnent legs/knees, wrap up and twist is far safer and also a BETTER/more effective tackle. The open field tackling in NFL for such high paid elite athletes is often dreadful. In many half-decent tackles, guys hit with shoulder, but still don't wrap up. The kill shots are fun to see, sure - they aren't great for career longevity and a nor a great way of limiting yards after contact.... Case in point - Minni VS New Orleans conference semi-final. Last play of the game - Minni wins because NO DB basically closes eyes, lowers head, and prayed for hard contact. All he had to do is keep eyes open and wrap him up and even just slow him down and NO wins......probably not a perfect example as it wasn't really a kill shot, head down attempt, but the players instinct was to do the wrong thing, not tackle in an effective way. Totally possible to make bone crushing, ego bruising tackles with shoulder and then a wrap up, without risking as much brain damage (the whip-lash is plenty to still risk it)......I am happy that in many places they are implementing training from a young age that teaches a whole new way of tackling in the more rugby style - THAT will keep the game of football going at a high skill and entertainment level instead of literally killing athletes....