The problem with AD and Barber's rushing style


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Is that they take a lot of punishment on each play. In the short term, they look great statistically. In the long term (over 4-5 years), this type of running style will lead to nagging and sometimes serious injuries.

Neither player goes out of bounds, or gives up towards the end of a run. Fighting for that extra yard is where a lot of injuries occur to ball carriers.

For now, Barber is getting by because he doesn't get 25-30 carries a game. The likelyhood of him getting hurt is lessened. However, AD could easily end up like Terrel Davis and Earl Campbell if he's not careful.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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Worked for Walter Payton and he lasted what 12-13 years, I think it just depends on the player and how they take care of themselves and how much pain they can play with and of course everyone's body is different to.


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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At 296 yards per game, I'll take it for 5 years and move on down the road to the next RB.


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I agree. We don't want Barber as the sole back carrying 20-25 times per game. His style is just so brutal for those he hits and for him. As a fulltime back it would only be a matter of time before he caught the injury bug.

Much better setting up opp defenses for the quick JJ and then the Barbarian Barber or vice versa. In fact I think the last game Barber got some of the earlier carries and then Jones speed seemed to catch Philly off guard.


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Barber dishes out the punishment. There is a difference between taking it and dishing it.


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SuperCows5Xs;1749742 said:
Worked for Walter Payton and he lasted what 12-13 years, I think it just depends on the player and how they take care of themselves and how much pain they can play with and of course everyone's body is different to.

For every Walter Payton there are dozens and dozens of others whose bodies won't hold up. Payton was an off-the-chart physical freak.
Petersen's running style and gait reminds me of OJ. If you are old enough you remember the "good" OJ who was only a sports hero that every kid had a poster of on their bedroom wall.
But OJ started to break down after being in the league 5 or 6 years. His last season, when he played a few games with the 'Whiners, was just sad.


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2much2soon;1749780 said:
For every Walter Payton there are dozens and dozens of others whose bodies won't hold up. Payton was an off-the-chart physical freak.
Petersen's running style and gait reminds me of OJ. If you are old enough you remember the "good" OJ who was only a sports hero that every kid had a poster of on their bedroom walls.
But OJ started to break down after being in the league 5 or 6 years. His last season, when he played a few games with the 'Whiners, was just sad.

Yeah, thats who I see too, OJ.

These guys are fine. They breakdown regardless. At that position its much better to dish than remain a target. Thats what separated Walter from the other dozens. Physics.


The Chairman
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SuperCows5Xs;1749742 said:
Worked for Walter Payton and he lasted what 12-13 years, I think it just depends on the player and how they take care of themselves and how much pain they can play with and of course everyone's body is different to.

man........i was so about ready to type something very similar to this response.

great job.


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Gotta disagree, OJ had over 5 ypc into his 7th & 8th yr. He was a much smoother runner as well, at least from what I can see and I don't think AD's speed compares.


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AD runs like Eddie George did and look what happened at the length of his career and his productivity from about mid point on.

big dog cowboy

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jrumann59;1749827 said:
AD runs like Eddie George did and look what happened at the length of his career and his productivity from about mid point on.
George ran to upright for my taste. He took a lot of shots while dishing out a few. You are right his production went downhill every year it seemed those last few years.


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It depends on how conditioned you are and how lucky you are also. Injuries happen in football. I'll say this from what I've seen of Peterson in the NFL he's not as physical as he was at OU in the NFL because his speed is so much better. At OU he wasn't nearly as fast as he's shown but he showed the physical presence a lot more. In the NFL he's been running away from guys so often he's not really been as physical.

Also these 2 guys aren't just physical guys. These guys both have a ton of speed. So the hits they take aren't as direct,


Pixel Pusher
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Are you guys really saying Barber and AP's weakness is that they run too hard? Man, what a weakness to have.

I also wouldn't say Barber has a lot of speed, AP is a train and is blowing by guys, I've seen Barber get caught a few times from behind. Which isn't a knock on him, I'm a bigger Barber fan than most.

No one knows if Barber can carry the load, he never has. Saying outherwise is just fantasy talk. No one taught Tiki could carry the load either, and he did pretty well.


Mr. Wright
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CowboyWay;1749774 said:
At 296 yards per game, I'll take it for 5 years and move on down the road to the next RB.

:lmao: I love this. And I actually find myself agreeing.


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SibannacRex;1749732 said:
Is that they take a lot of punishment on each play. In the short term, they look great statistically. In the long term (over 4-5 years), this type of running style will lead to nagging and sometimes serious injuries.

Neither player goes out of bounds, or gives up towards the end of a run. Fighting for that extra yard is where a lot of injuries occur to ball carriers.

For now, Barber is getting by because he doesn't get 25-30 carries a game. The likelyhood of him getting hurt is lessened. However, AD could easily end up like Terrel Davis and Earl Campbell if he's not careful.

You mean in the Hall Of Fame like Earl or 2 SB rings like Davis? It is great to have a 13 year career like Emmitt but I think these guys play the game as it should be all out all the time. What you do in this game is more important than how long you played it at least in my opinion


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Doomsday101;1750480 said:
You mean in the Hall Of Fame like Earl or 2 SB rings like Davis? It is great to have a 13 year career like Emmitt but I think these guys play the game as it should be all out all the time. What you do in this game is more important than how long you played it at least in my opinion

"While Tony Dorsett played with his kids and Archie Griffin and George Rogers played golf Friday at Barton Creek Resort, Earl Campbell was struggling to walk."



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silverblue;1750488 said:
"While Tony Dorsett played with his kids and Archie Griffin and George Rogers played golf Friday at Barton Creek Resort, Earl Campbell was struggling to walk."


I'm not saying there is not a price to be paid but what makes some of these guys great is the fact they go all out all the time. Change that and you change who and what they are and what got them to the point of being considered great. TD was never a physical back, Griffen and Rogers great college players who did not do jack in the NFL. Earl no doubt feels the effect of his playing career but what made Earl great was how he played the game. I think if you asked Earl if he would have changed a thing I doubt he would have


Regular Joe....
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2much2soon;1749780 said:
For every Walter Payton there are dozens and dozens of others whose bodies won't hold up. Payton was an off-the-chart physical freak.
Petersen's running style and gait reminds me of OJ. If you are old enough you remember the "good" OJ who was only a sports hero that every kid had a poster of on their bedroom wall.
But OJ started to break down after being in the league 5 or 6 years. His last season, when he played a few games with the 'Whiners, was just sad.

Peterson looks nothing like OJ Simpson to me. Now, if your talking about OJ Anderson, then maybe.